An interesting question!

Posted about 12 years ago , by Enraged Master (Moderator)

In astral projection , People says you cannot wake up while you are astral projecting because your soul is already out but your body alive (( without soul )) , So lets say you projected for 20 hours (( just an example )) and your parents saw that you are not waking up and they took your physical body to hospital!! , now the question is! How the hell will you return to your body? First of all your mind dosent knows wheres your body!! Because neither your physical or astral eyes seen where is it!! Second of all how will you return? You will think about returning to your body?? The question is (( HOW will you think! )) Because you dont even know how to think when you dont know wheres your body! And you cant even teleport to your room because your body wont be there!

Any replies? Please do as soon as you read this topic!

Thanks :)

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Hi Brother :)
Nice question, But I think you forgot some points of Astral Projection.
When someone touches your body when you projected, you will return suddenly.

When we project, We will be having dual consciousness, We will get to know what is happening to our physical body as well as astral body.
We will be in both the places.

Did I answer ?


Posted about 12 years ago

My brother!! We have senses about body not feeling!! If someone touches your body for example by sharp things you wont feel it! Even in arabic forums they says that before we do it we must tell our parents so they dont get freaked out , and you dont actually return accidently , its YOU , if they touch you and you make your mind returns you will , if you just ignore then your still here , got my point bro? :)

Posted about 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

hmmm.. Yes. But somehow you will be sensing things what's going on around your physical body.
So, you will not get lost in Astral Plane :)

Posted about 12 years ago

You will actually sense but how will you KNOW wheres your body ;)

Posted about 12 years ago

Makaveli, Evil Brain, Angel Heart

If someone touches your body for example by sharp things you wont feel it! Even in arabic forums they says that before we do it we must tell our parents so they dont get freaked out , and you dont actually return accidently

These people fail to know what they're talking about, unfortunately...

You see, If someone touches you, your conscious awareness will immediately revert its focus back to the body where it is immediately required..

Now, I'm gonna digress a little here but it is only for the sake of broadening your horizons and getting you to consider other perspectives. There's a theory that says our minds extend beyond the physical body. We are literally everywhere. It is just a question of where you are focusing, which gives you the illusion that you are actually somewhere. Another way to look at this is that we are neither in nor out of the body regardless of whether we are asleep or awake. It's all about consciousness having focal points.

Posted about 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

These people fail to know what they're talking about, unfortunately...

Ha ha :D
I was too confused how to explain to my little brother :)
Thanks for your help Makaveli :)

Posted about 12 years ago

Thanks for solving the question , i like it <3 , and no need to say sorry because the arabic people fails , being arabic/american dosent means you are the best in world , Well look at praven , hes from indian and hes brilliant in projecting :P

Posted about 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Me ??
Ha ha, Nope :)

Posted about 12 years ago

Makaveli, Evil Brain, Angel Heart

No problem bro  ;)

Posted about 12 years ago

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