Almost giving up

Posted over 8 years ago , by .M

I've seen many people in this forum that also get troubled when it comes to astral projection.

I'm just saying but, I've had it. I think I'll just leave this astral projection stuff aside. God knows for how long I've been trying, and it's just not working.

So frustrating to the point that makes me sad. All these years and no significant advances were made, I wanted it so bad... I don't know what else to do.

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi, I guess you are so much fed of trying to astral project. Explain us a little bit on what are the techniques you practice. We can help you.

Posted over 8 years ago


Thanks for the quick answer, well I'm trying to project for over 4 years now, so I've tried quite a lot of different techniques.

I'm going to list the ones that worked better the most, if that makes any sense since in the end none worked at all.

  • Through lucid dreaming : I spent about 5 months in this one, and could barely lucid dream.

  • Robert monroe technique

  • Watching yourself going to sleep - I'm not sure if there's other name for this.

  • Rope technique

  • And lastly, sleep paralysis.

I've always been patient but these last few weeks, I feel like giving up because I'm having no progress, I'm kinda sad.

Posted over 8 years ago

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Wanting it so bad never helps. You need to let it happen without wanting it. Relaxing is the key!

Posted over 8 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Don't give up before the miracle happens.

@.m: For me, Lucid dreaming will be the easiest way to achieve. Also Lucid dreaming is easily achievable by below techniques.

  • Keeping a journal and noting down the weirdness of your dreams
  • Practicing at least 1 reality check daily for 5-10 times. (Recommended: Jumping technique, just jump, you will float in dream when you do the same thing.)

Just following these 2 items with proper dedication, you don't even need anything else to lucid dream, you can lucid dream everyday. Trust me!

Let me tell you one thing, I used to astral project everyday whenever I am calm and relaxed, but, if I am not relaxed or calm, I will not be able to astral project for weeks. To get back to normal pace, I will need at least of 1 week.

All good things take time, when it is time, it will happen even without trying. Do not quit trying.

Posted over 8 years ago

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Byron pretty much summarized almost everything I was about to say, still I'd like to point some things out.

Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about

                                   Winston Churchill

Sometimes I find myself thinking just like you.

_That astral porjection is something for the others, not for me.That I don't have what it takes, nor the skills or the talent.It's something I'll never accomplish. Why can't I do it? I feel like my body is a cage and I just want to get out and fly freely. _

I won't lie, sometimes I do think like that. Nevertheless I keep trying. You'll never know how close you are if you give up.

AP is not to be forced, it should unfold naturally. If you try too hard, it will backfire.

In my perspective, people tend to think they fail because they misinterpret on how to apply the techniques. I don't think it's quite it.

The key to success lies in relaxation. Astral projection is an almost-effortless process.The tricky thing is you have to get your body to fall asleep but leave your mind awake.Both body and mind must be deeply relaxed. Why is it tricky? Simply because just by applying any technique at all, it means our mind aware.

Now, you'll ask " but, isn't this what we want? body asleep and mind awake? "

Of course, but you see, we have a kind of paradox here. The kind of awareness we need is different from the awareness we have while focusing in the techniques.

Let me explain it better, concentration and imagination require efforts, so trying to get out by the pure force of thought is difficult, not impossible, but difficult. The techniques are only a tool to help you reach a specific state where you'll be ready to project and effortlessly slip out of your body.

When you apply techniques that rely on visualizations, the ideal thing to do would be imagine them before you even start to relax. Imagine how they're going to be, and then start, so when you get to the part you have to visualize them, your brain will have some sort pre-recorded imagery on it. It will associate to what you've imagined before.

The reason I say this, is that you won't have to imagine whatever you need. Take the rope technique for example. If you're imagining, you're inventing, therefore, making effort. The thing is, you're not visualizing. Visualization it's supposed to come to you.

Visualizations will only come to you when both of your mind and body are truly relaxed.

I'm not really fond of these techniques. I like sleep paralysis better.

But in case if you're going to use some visualization-requiring technique, here's my advice of routine for you.

  1. You imagine what is needed.

  2. Relax your body by doing some progressive relaxation in each muscle group.

  3. Breath rhythmically, first start off with your normal breathing then slow it down as time passes. Try to mimic the breathing of a sleeping person.

  4. Now, think about the technique procedure, just enough to remind you of how it is.

  5. Let your mind wander off with the technique, eventually you'll even forget about the technique and random images will start to spin in your head, like a dream.

  6. You have to be in the brink of sleep, sometimes try to snap back so you won't fall alseep.

It might not work for sometime, but the more you do this, the more your body will be familiar with the Hypnagogia state, required to astral project. And eventually you'll project for sure, maybe even when you're not really trying it!

So don't give up,you might be closer than you think!

I hope I could be of some help. Peace ✧˖°

Posted over 8 years ago

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To Praveen: I used to keep a journal and write an "A" for awake as a reality check. I would also woke up several times at night to have multiple dreams and trigger lucid dreaming.

I only got close as so much as recognizing that I was in a dream a few times but couldn't get a hold of the dream, this went for a while so I had given up lucid dreaming. Maybe I'll try all over again and see.

To Byron : I admit guilty about wanting it bad, but usually I'm pretty relaxed.

To YngJo: I'm mesmerized by your mindset, I have never thought that way.How come you know so munch but still haven't projected? I bet in no time you will. This is a very interesting routine you've wrote here. Maybe I should try lucid dreaming and this.

Thanks for the helpful answers everyone! I'm better now.

Posted over 8 years ago

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