A great post i found!!

Posted about 12 years ago , by Enraged Master (Moderator)

Hey Everyone,

Here's a technique that I've found works well for inducing Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) or WILDs. I'd be interested if anyone else has anything to add or might find this useful with some results, so if it helps please let me know. A lot of this might be repeat of other WILD techniques, but there a few key points that seem to make a difference, the primary premise of this technique is to TRICK the body into thinking it has fallen asleep and entering into Sleep Paralysis, I know it sounds goofy, but trust me it works..so here we go---

1)Lie on your back and get fully relaxed- you can do several relaxation techniques before attempting an OBE for better success. A good one is the progressive relaxation technique-go through the whole body one muscle group at a time and tighten\relax them until you've gone through every muscle, really focus on the relaxation part of it, it also helps to breathe with your diaphragm in rhythm with the tighten\relaxation.

2)Lie completely still, don't move at all regardless of how much you may want to, your body will "test" to see if it's sleeping by giving you the urge to move, resist this urge (and it can be strong) and let it pass. Don't itch a scratch or readjust or the process will start all over again. If you can, don't even swallow unnecessarily.

3)Focus on not moving your eyes, this is key and a little difficult to do at first as your eyes have been darting around all day and will naturally want to do so when you first lie down and close your eyes. Again, you are trying to trick your body into "thinking" it is asleep, so the more still and relaxed you are the better, the eyes are important.

4)Rythmic breathing-once you are well relaxed and not moving, breathe as if you were asleep, i'm sure you've seen someone sleeping and how they breathe, maybe you have a dog or cat, notice how they breathe when they are asleep-- deep and rythmic...

5)After a while when you are completely in deep relaxation (at this point you may notice your mind or attention loosing focus or starting to wander, stay with it) start twitching your muscles- I'm sure you've noticed this "twitching" process while falling asleep (again, like a sleeping dog ), don't twitch violently, just enough to tense your muscles quickly.....and again you are tricking your body into thinking it is asleep, so the idea is mimic the biological process your body goes through when you fall asleep.

6)Try to keep your mind in a conscious yet detached state (i.e. stay aware but don't let your mind focus on or get wrapped up on any thoughts, let them enter and leave you mind without giving them much attention)..now if you do this and manage not to fall asleep in the process you will eventually find yourself in sleep paralysis (you will know when you are there, by a rushing vibrating sensatin\sound in your head\body). The deeper you fall into SP, the better chance you have of getting "out" of your body\or directly into a WILD. You may or may not have experienced SP before, but it can be a very scary experience if you don't know what it is or are not prepared. Just know it is perfectly harmless and nothing will harm you, if you can eliminate the fear, SP is pretty mundane after a while

7)Once you are in SP, sort of "will" yourself to roll over or twist out of your body, don't force it, because if you do, you are trying to force your physical body, which is not the one you want to get up, Imagine yourself slowly floating up...and with luck, you will. Confidence is everything, believe you can do it and you will!!! Once you are out...go and explore your new world! 

As you all know, none of this happens over night (no pun intended) so try this out and play with the concepts, if you do this frequently you will succeed. Please let me know if this works for you!!!!

If anything is not understandable please feel free to write the number of the paragraph and i will explain it completly , Dont forget to mention the point you didnt understand :)

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Echo, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Cool. I'll try this.

Posted about 12 years ago

Ellyz, If you wanna be a Hero|You need to have Dreams

Can i have SP during in the morning?

Posted about 12 years ago

Ellyz, If you wanna be a Hero|You need to have Dreams

Also im gonna try to have an eyepatch to avoid SP hallucinations do u think it will work?

Posted about 12 years ago

Yes you can :)

Posted about 12 years ago (updated almost 12 years ago)

gita, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

im tryin out. thx

Posted almost 11 years ago

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