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I can't quite Astral Project

I'm just starting to try. I hit the vibrational stage last night for the first time. What really helped me was I just bought this course The art of astral projection I wanted a guide or instructions how to do it because thats how my brain works. I needed this course to guide me. Only 2 days in and already hit the vibrational stage. Only just started going through the course. Will keep updating my experiences as I go. I'm really motivated now and i don't think its hard as what people think.

Posted over 5 years ago | 1181 views

Referral System?

Ellyz, If you wanna be a Hero|You need to have Dreams
0 Likes - 4 Replies

also one that founds in your account about a link example:^ellyz135/


Posted about 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 2475 views

Mail sending and Sitespeed

dude1981, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
0 Likes - 6 Replies


Hm, i guess the mail activation part is because of the low cost server. Much spam sites are hosted on those shared servers, so its possible that the ip's are already blacklisted. sure i can help you finding a new host, also with transferring the forum and database there. just let me know what your budget for a hoster is, but i guess adding 1 or 2 bucks a month would be enough to move from a ultra-low-cost-hoster to a "normal"-low-cost-hoster ;)

if you can afford 5 bucks a month i am sure you get a normal "stable" hosting provider which can at least hold a few hundreds of simultaneous active users at this forum :)

happy day :)

Posted over 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 2296 views

Astral Projection Help?

Amitai, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
0 Likes - 1 Reply

Yes it means you are on to the next step which is Sleep Paralysis, which is also the key element needed for astral projection. So you are on the right path, after sleep paralysis you can attempt an exit. But at last its easier said then done. Let me know how things pan out.

Posted about 10 years ago | 2138 views

Chat Room

HorustheChild, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
0 Likes - 3 Replies

i, I'm confused.. my friends accessed the akastic records.. they told me once I was Caesarion, Augustus strangled me. Thoth, the god was seen by my friend Ruben, he was standing in a room with 11 other deities. Thoth said I was so weak, and he said I was annoying, and life is better off without me. Horus looked nervous, my friend sensed my spirit within Horus. Anyways. .. I guess the gods dislike me somehow. I'm just curious because he seen two versions. He saw me 30 years old as Caesarion, I wasn't dead, probably ressurected.  But Augustus whispered in my ear like how Judas would do so to Jesus. How could I be completely dead, but then be alive?

Posted over 10 years ago | 5315 views

Blackberry system?

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
0 Likes - 1 Reply

Well, It will be implemented soon :)
Working on it..

Posted about 12 years ago | 1585 views

Administration appeals?

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
0 Likes - 1 Reply

Hi Brother,

Really a good Idea, But right now I don't think the site needs more admins, coz I haven't had much difficulty in Administering it yet :)
People visit this site are really very good, no one is spamming here too :)
Sure I will add more admins when site gets even more visitors and more spam :)


Posted about 12 years ago | 1372 views

sharing links to books and websites about dreaming/astral projection etc.

They posted some here

Posted about 12 years ago | 1176 views

Suggest Improvements for the Android App

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
0 Likes - 0 Replies

Hi Friends,

If you have any suggestion or improvements to improve the Android app, you can post it here :)


Posted over 12 years ago | 1025 views

Introductions section for new members

Lpc, LPC
0 Likes - 4 Replies

Thanks, Praveen! Let's hope it will encourage lots of new members. ;D

Posted over 12 years ago | 1264 views

FAQs to read