Astral projection and Christianity

Posted over 8 years ago , by Jon

If you are a christian and you astral project then i am sure that you have searched online to see what the bible and other Christians think of astral projection. However most people online say that you are going to get possessed by demons and eventually are going to be hated not only by god but by divine entities also .

I asked my religion teachers regarding the topic , explained what ap is to them and that there is no way to get possessed. One of them knew the part of the bible that speaks of an astral projection experience and told me that she understands that there is no danger but said that if i am not " summoned / called " by god then i shouldn't practice astral projection . She advised me to quit it .

If god didn't want us to astral project then why would he give us the ability . I am sure that the answer is not " to test us " because he did not say in the bible not to astral project it was only stated that some saints had that ability.

I know that there are probably no Christians here but if there are then do you think that Christians should not practice ap and if not then why ? Why would we not be allowed to seek information and knowledge about the world around us ? Why would most Christians try to keep this burred ?

Ps . If you are here to tell me that there is no god and to go kill myself then dont waste your time because i am just going to ignore you <3 IF you are not religious you can reply with your opinion if it is so that you are not spreading hate towards anyone <3

Love you everyone and thanks for answearing

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just noticed how many mistakes my post has :3 Please don't mind them and try to make sense as my auto corrector sux <3

Posted over 8 years ago

Mello, Funny you should ask

I'm Christian myself, and although I've never astral projected, my uncle has and he is a religious man. I haven't spoken to him on his beliefs on the subject, though.

Personally, I can't be too sure if projecting is good or bad to practice. Some ways it could be good, maybe to seek enlightenment, travel... but there are spirits who would lie to you, and make you want to believe in things that aren't true, so putting yourself in a position to have to decipher what is real and isn't may be putting your faith at risk. You may put others faiths at risk by spreading false information. It puts you yourself, your mind, at an unnecessary risk. You're opening doors with this stuff. Unless you're called to do it, there's no legitimate reason to have to practice it and put yourself in an undesirable situation.

Also, apparently, projection can give you the ability to travel time, to speak or see the dead or the afterlife... honestly I can't say we were meant to see or do those things.

We're given free will to do as we please though. Perhaps that's why we have the ability. Ultimately, it's up to the individual to decide what they think is right or wrong.

Posted about 8 years ago

hiteshkumar, Beginner
1 like by

Astral projection is related to pineal gland(also known as third Eye). Until and unless, one doesnt activate pineal gland, he/she can not AP. To activate pineal gland, one has to meditate and direct his/her energyto the centre of the eyebrow. That is the only way to do it. Meditation is good for you and connecting with your own spirit and higher energy is the best thing. That is just my suggestion. All the holybooks say medidation is. The only way to connect with your own soul and at the end soul is the only thing thats left. I dont think it is related to the calling but i do respect your point of view as well.

Posted over 4 years ago

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