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Question about spirit guide

(Don't know where the right place is to put this)

Do anyone knows if someone else (beside yourself) can send you a spirit guide?

I thought that what ever I was going through at the time (happy or sad) that beings, spirit guides would attract to similar energy but because of some experiences that I've had I wonder if it could be someone else (looking out for me) that was sending a protector or how this person viewed that being or spirit guide as a protector?

Posted 15 days ago | 9 views

Astral projection and Christianity

1 Like - 3 Replies

Astral projection is related to pineal gland(also known as third Eye). Until and unless, one doesnt activate pineal gland, he/she can not AP. To activate pineal gland, one has to meditate and direct his/her energyto the centre of the eyebrow. That is the only way to do it. Meditation is good for you and connecting with your own spirit and higher energy is the best thing. That is just my suggestion. All the holybooks say medidation is. The only way to connect with your own soul and at the end soul is the only thing thats left. I dont think it is related to the calling but i do respect your point of view as well.

Posted almost 5 years ago | 2615 views

Whatsapp Group.

srivani , Want to have spiritual growth by astral projection
0 Likes - 10 Replies

Hi.. Can you plz add in your group.. What is the whatsupp number

Posted almost 6 years ago | 18597 views

My sleep paralysis hallucination

LodeRunner, Just want to experience
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Last night, I woke up early in the morning, only to find myself in sleep paralysis. I was about to just go back to sleep, when I heard a clear, male-sounding voice singing something quietly in my ear. This made me so distressed, that I thought it was a serial killer who just broke into my house. It was that terrifying. I Soon broke out of it, and saw that nothing was there. Later that morning, I was having a dream where I was in the doctors office, and as soon as the doctor started talking, I woke up in sleep paralysis and could still hear his voice.

Posted almost 6 years ago | 770 views

Astral Projection or not?

Hey there! I'm trying to practice astral projection no for a few days now. And at one day I noticed how my body was drifting away while my mind was still awake. As I looked around I saw myself at a place which looked like a huge garage where you could park about 4 to 5 cars. The lights were barely working and suddenly a wind started to blow at me. Although it felt pretty powerful the wind hasn't moved my body. The wind was so powerful that I knew I would be blown away if I try to move and it hurt my ears a lot. I tried to ignore it but the pain got worse. Although I felt no fear I told myself "Ok, I know what the message is. I won't try astral projection for now. I will return into my body and will wake up." And as I said that the wind let up and I felt my body again, was moving my fingers and stuff to fully feel my body and...(continued)

Posted about 6 years ago | 1068 views

Is magic real?

Effector, Effort Perseverance Courage Venom. Singing for absolution...
1 Like - 2 Replies

You will get there? You NEVER will. Not with that negative attitude. On a different note, remember that you have to be very patient in this art. You have to form alliance with your astral self. Your etheric body is nearly not unlike a separate being coexisting with you subconscious. That being said, i invalidating its existence will get you nowhere practically, and also, theoretically. If you don't respect your astral being, they will never coexist with you consciously. Unless, that's what you really want...

Posted over 7 years ago | 1573 views

About spirit guides

PeacePoiProsper, You are loved!
0 Likes - 1 Reply

We all have spirit guides, they often show up when you aren't looking for them or (this is the case for me) when you need them most. From my experience so far they act in very subtle ways that is super easy to overlook as a "coincidence" or simply ignore as daily life and such. Meditate, get in touch with your inner subconscious and give your body the proper nutrients/rest it needs and you very well may get a nice greeting, good luck, Cheers!

Posted almost 8 years ago | 1672 views


PeacePoiProsper, You are loved!
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I guess its a good thing people haven't been able to give me a nickname, it has kind of helped me avoid labels in society. Maybe something will occur that changes my perspective on things even more, thanks for the reply!

Posted almost 8 years ago | 1972 views


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Hello Sen, I don't what made you think to delete your account. I hope you are doing well with your spiritual experiences.

You can send a mail to "praveen@forumforastral.com" (Admin) regarding the issue, he will be able to help.

Posted about 8 years ago | 2252 views

Praveen Kumar S

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Hi Swastik, Welcome to forum. I am from Bangalore. But lot of my relatives are at Chennai.

Posted over 8 years ago | 1642 views

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