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Flying is the coolest thing ever!
Astral Projection - 1 Reply

Red Light-Green Light...Technique

SilverLycan Flying is the coolest thing ever!
""Warning"" This technique can be very uncomfortable, scary to some, disorienting, can cause major sleep paralysis, and almost always put the practitioner in the astral with out them even realizing it...but I have found that it is also very effective for beginners. I came up with this Technique after I was in a car crash where I hurt my neck and back pretty bad. I was having problems meditating on my back so I needed a Technique that would work with me laying on my side and stomach and this worked very well. Lay down to sleep in any position you want. Lay perfectly STILL...don't move a muscle! In your mind say "red light my body is not allowed to move." Repeat this over and over until it is burned into your mind. Now let yourself fall asleep (not moving...if you do feel a need to move you must say in your head "green light" move to your new position; lay perfectly still again and say "red light".) All this sounds silly, but what you are doing is telling your body

Posted over 11 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2980 views
Astral Projection - 3 Replies

Can you be coaxed out of your body?

SilverLycan Flying is the coolest thing ever!

I use to pull my brother out all the time when I was a kid. We slept in bunk beds. He slept in the top bunk and I in the one below. I would astral travel at night and would often pull him out with me. I never really tried to pull him out it would just happen.

Astral Projection - 1 Reply

Letting go, have no fear.

SilverLycan Flying is the coolest thing ever!
The problem so many people have with Astral projection is letting go and the fear of the whole experience. You need to be able let go of everything that attaches you to your psychical for each little thought you have (Oh my heart is beating fast, my breathing doesn't seem right, my back is starting to hurt, is that my cat I hear coughing up a hair ball) can all hold you to your psychical body. Relaxation is a big key to achiving astral projection (I'm sure you have heard this 100 times) and yes it is true, but you most learn to relax in a way that keeps your mind of off the psychical body. Instead of focusing on the relaxion of your body focus more on letting go. Take all your thought off of your body and focus it outside (that's where you are trying to go isn't it) I find it best to focus on something you know is outside of your body about 6 feet away. Breathe normaly (NO rhythmic breathing, no breathe in 2 out 4, no deep breathing...all that can just mess you up.) Just breathe norm

Posted over 11 years ago (edited over 11 years ago) | 4657 views

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