I found that the calmer you are while in sleep Paralysis the less you realize your paralyzed. Sometimes when it catches you off guard it scares you so much you try to move and cant. Kinda like moving through quick sand, the faster you try to move the harder it is the key is being relaxed. So maybe you were calm enough and didnt realize you were in sleep paralysis. Ive found that everytime i woke up to vibrations and the high pitched noise it was because i was calm enough to let them happen during the sleep Paralysis. Sometimes they happen by themselves and are very strong, but last night i had my first obe. I woke up laying on my stomach, realized i was asleep but consious, no vibrations at the time. I was calm and not afraid so it was a perfect chance for me to practice focusing on vibrations. I went in and out of a few strong vibrations and noticed that the stronger the vibration i could actually start to perceive my room around me. At this time i decided to try and separat
Posted about 9 years ago