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Posted almost 11 years ago , by Azlan101

If there are anyone in this forum with the ability of remote viewing, is it possible for that person to track down this missing plane?

There are more than 100 people on board.

P/S: Please spread the message to those who can

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MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

If there are anyone in this forum with the ability of remote viewing, is it possible for that person to track down this missing plane?

There are more than 100 people on board.

P/S: Please spread the message to those who can

Of all the psychics out there, or projectors, someone must be getting something about this? All I keep finding on other sites like this, or related, is people think it involves or was hit by UFO? Whatcha think? :o

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Usually when there are large events like this, AP'rs, dreamers, remote viewers, etc are out "there"....Anyone get any dreams related to this? Any retrievers find anything? Any AP activity to this subject? and what is being "seen"?

This is a new one for me, as well as others perhaps? I can't see, sense them at all, which makes me wonder if portal, Bermuda triangle like stuff, or possible "otherworldly" interaction?

I've had stuff like this before, where someone lost keys, & seen it in astral, or between points. Suspended in time. Then later they find them, or years later they show up....Yet this is different, I can't see it at all, only get the same thing - suspended in time, or elsewhere {not here}....I've had activity with Ukraine thing and the NYC thing, but nothing with this....very odd...and no one else seems to be talking about it {as in astral, psychic, etc}...

Did find someone lookig at the radar anomalies as a source of this possibility -

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

A friend of mine said she had a "dream" of them being okay, but in a hostage? situation. Of a dark skinned man, skinny, sitting on a box watching over a group of people all huddled together. This was before the news conference yesterday night. So perhaps they are all okay?

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

If there are anyone in this forum with the ability of remote viewing, is it possible for that person to track down this missing plane?

There are more than 100 people on board.

P/S: Please spread the message to those who can

This site i found where people are posting any remote viewing insights... below is another odd thing people are picking up on...its neither here, nor there...kind of thing

I've been following this story since it broke, also I am from the region. What happened to MH370 is so infinitely interesting, It's all i'm fixated about. I strongly believe the reading of some psychics and remote viewers who see this plane landing in a island of a different timeline/dimension. The people in it are fine though.

Posted almost 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

aphtral, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Using trance projection I could see the plane. The landing gear is down and it is at a large deserted airfield. There are mountains off in the distance. The inside of the plane is ransacked. There is a single guy standing outside on watch, he has a riffle.
I tried to focus on the passangers and got the sense that they are being held somewhere in a single story building with a hip roof. I see the flight captain separated from the rest, sitting in a wooden arm chair.

Regarding the plane, at about 7PM GMT I tried reaching out for it. It was dark, as would be expected, and I could see flashes and hear rapid gunfire where the passengers were being held. It is easy to assume that some kind of ground assault was taking place.

Posted almost 11 years ago (updated almost 11 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening


Using trance projection I could see the plane. The landing gear is down and it is at a large deserted airfield. There are mountains off in the distance. The inside of the plane is ransacked. There is a single guy standing outside on watch, he has a riffle.
I tried to focus on the passangers and got the sense that they are being held somewhere in a single story building with a hip roof. I see the flight captain separated from the rest, sitting in a wooden arm chair.

Regarding the plane, at about 7PM GMT I tried reaching out for it. It was dark, as would be expected, and I could see flashes and hear rapid gunfire where the passengers were being held. It is easy to assume that some kind of ground assault was taking place.

Active Link

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

UPDATE from this site:
"Back again. I tried raising my perspective upward and partially succeeded. I got the sense that beyond the horizon was a vast body of water, like an ocean. There was a coastline that ran diagonally relative to a north south axis. Here are the geographic details that have appeared consistently to me: I sense that I am looking northward. There is a runway that runs from southwest behind me on the left, across in front of me, then extends northeastward to my front right. To the northwest are low mountains or large hills. Looking northward across the runway there are trees along the boundary of the airport. Beyond the horizon to the northeast lies a coastline. This is coastline extend from the northwest to the southeast, an ocean lies beyond it. Using what I just have written I dowsed the question where the plane is. I kept getting positive responses on Sri Lanka. Perhaps I am biased by what someone told me, but I tried dearly to clear out any preconceptions on the matter. Given all that I dowsed further and came up with the airport at Hingurakgoda

List of airports -

I posted this because there have been others on other sites that claim something very similiar...and alot of the data on this site seems to correspond with other people's insights...See posts above and website above - With latest news out of Australia, it seems odd that it went that far south....For news on this, click here:

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

This is one video of a psychic whom put out the same kind of "insight" as many others, as I cruise on line for alternative insights. But what caught my attention is how close this is to what so many astral projectors, remote viewers, & psychics are saying....So WHY is no one seriously looking into this? Also, they mention a small island, & on Google Earth, it shows an unnamed airport on an island east of sri lanka! Yet when you zoom in, one can't see anything.

The other thing I'm noticing is that the events of Ukraine & the plane are linked in possibly 2 different ways - one being a spiritual, higher intervention kind of event...and the other being man made.

1.    Put it this way, just as the chaos erupts in Ukraine, the world leaders come together to figure out what to do & how to proceed. Many countries coming together to figure out what to do with Russia...So we sit on the brink of another major world crisis? Or war?...then we have the plane event occur....

2.    Then the plane goes missing....and in a bizarre way, & no evidence of it anywhere...What starts to occur is countries around the world come together to help locate the plane. It "feels" like the plane is suspended in time, like an intervention, of sorts...Like this crisis was created so the world would come together peacefully? To help each other to find the plane? Countries that rarely interact on regular basis are joining forces to help. This has never happened before!

3.    The second link is "man-made", as in possibly political, as to plane going missing....One thing I found of interest is how Sri Lanka, like Syria, has very close ties to Russia. And the main hub of trade for this country is the very city this plane went missing from!....But I still feel, its "divine intervention", as if to create a different path for the world to take?

Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

People posting their insights, psychic visions on what happened:

This is odd video, interesting, yet? -'s creepy is that almost a month before, I had a lucid dream that felt like I was pulled out of body, or upward...and struggled to pull self back down. When I did so, I heard noises in head ALOT like what is on this video, as well as seeing bright yellow alien? writing scrolling on my ceiling. And a weird gear like thing before me on far wall. I struggled to pull self awake & this is why I sought out this forum. In dream, I had 3 paths before me: far left, covered in snow, path well laid out, and where I was heading I could see...Middle path went under a tree or appeared to stop, & third path went around a corner under a tree, but I could not see around the corner...BUT the path had been cleared of snow. I took the path where I could see where I was going, & as I went under a power line, this "pulled on" effect occured. But as I read people's posts on the missing plane, it is eerily familiar with what I felt in that dream! See quote below:

When I tune in, my mind is at the point of the flight where issues start to arise. I see that there is a huge electrical disturbance. "What looks like a clear day turns into this dark, gloomy surrounding." It looks like heat lightening and flashes surround the plane. "I also see what looks like discharges of static electricity coming off the plane." The flight attendants are trying to stand, and people are trying to stand and grab something above their heads? It is chaotic and a lot of turbulence. "Oxygen masks then start to fall." Then there is this loud thundering sound that is so deafening that people are grabbing the sides of their head (I feel the pain in my ear, like it is loud and so much pressure!) see rest here:

Wild...the voices on recorder seem to indicate a similar thing, or that the plane is "up in the air", as in path not yet decided? This website "reading" seems to link in many of the other "psychic" stuff, posts, of the island, etc....

Posted almost 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

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