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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Off topic - 2 Replies

Apologies for being inactive for these days.

powerpoint I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Oh no how are you doing now. I personally am having health problems myself.

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Astral Projection - 2 Replies

My OBE experience. Fly High!

powerpoint I'm Here for Inner Awakening
I have not been on this website for probably over a year because I sort of gave up Astral Projecting. But here I am. I have some health problems and have to nap daily so this is when it happened; Yesterday during the day. Also I want to make a connection between garlic and the pineal gland. I have been taking small amounts of raw garlic for some of my health problems and have noticed more dreaming. I later searched and found out garlic helps decalcify the pineal gland. Before I talk about it I first want to say it was amazing! A memorable moment in my life. I did not even do it on purpose. I have tried before doing it on purpose but have never done so. I have only had 2 other OBE's. Both not on purpose and both not very exciting. This time was different! Here is what happened. I lied down to take a nap. Later I have a thought that I was asleep. I do not remember if I could see anything at this moment or not. I moved my body up in the position where I lied to sit up but my phy

Posted over 10 years ago (edited over 10 years ago) | 4502 views
Off topic

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asked over 11 years ago | 1800 views
Astral Projection - 1 Reply

Letting go

powerpoint I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I know this does not address your conversation really but this documentary looks cool (: PREVIEW 

Hang in their. Be all you can be! God bless

Posted over 11 years ago (edited over 11 years ago) | 3004 views
Astral Projection - 9 Replies

Dumb People spreading these astral projection facts in Internet

powerpoint I'm Here for Inner Awakening

For those who are new this video has a lot of Q and A's for ya

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