I'm Here for Inner Awakening
:)Sebastian, the lady was giving you a hug to reassure you that you were safe and that she was protecting you,despite the blurs and smoke screens you were seeing. And yes you felt her hug so strongly because she gave you some inner strength you neeeded. I do have another suggestion for you that may help. To me it sounds like you work is thru the time your finger was the ink of light ..not an actual pen-ink. I suggest you try using the candle technique i use to relax myself .
You need to light a candle and get your self very comfortable and you need to gaze right into the heart of the flame..visualise your third eye in the centre, in the heart of the candle flame and keep your gaze fixated on the centre of the flame. I say you you need to be very relaxed and slow ur breathing down to a very calm pace..(otherwise your breath may blow out the candle) then lift the candle even closer towards your face towards your third eye and keep your eyes fixated on the centre of the flam
Posted over 12 years ago