I experience that fear as well. You, and I, seem to be scared of meeting our spirit guides. We both know they do not have any bad intentions, in fact, mine seem to have good ones, but meeting a being in another dimension or realm seems just unusual. The only thing I can recommend, and again, I am working on getting over this fear myself, is to just think about how they have watched over you their whole life, and that they have essentially cared for you spiritually. Think about how they will probably be happy to see you when you succeed in astral projection. They may look peculiar In your eyes when you meet them in the higher realms, but they will more than likely be happy to see you.
The only thing I can recommend is to continue to practice, or try meditating, though it takes slightly longer to astral project through meditation. A good time to attempt astral projection is around four in the morning.
I hoped I answered your question. Btw would you please help me with getting over the fear of the intense vibrational state?