Have you had an Out-of-Body Experience? - Research participation request

Posted over 10 years ago , by Andrew Hodrien

Hi everyone,

Please see below for research I am conducting on Out-of-Body Experiences until 9th November which I hope you will consider participating in.



Have you had an "Out-of-Body Experience"?

Request for research participation

Researchers at Nottingham Trent University are conducting research on the content of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) using an online survey until 9th November 2014 (23:50 GMT). If you have had one or more OBEs follow the link below to the project webpage where the survey can be accessed, thanks.


"approved by admin"

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi all, Andrew is conducting a research on OBE in Nottingham Trent University, it will be helpful if you could fill out a simple survey.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 4

Posted over 10 years ago

Dbstman, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Hi Andrew,
I participated and it was fun to tell my story.  I find it great that you guys are interested in the phenomena. We can make out first step to finally have some kind of closure on what this phenomenon really is about.

Posted over 10 years ago

Andrew Hodrien, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Hi Andrew,
I participated and it was fun to tell my story.  I find it great that you guys are interested in the phenomena. We can make out first step to finally have some kind of closure on what this phenomenon really is about.

Hi Dbstman thanks very much for participating and also for the kind comment, I appreicate the support. Yes, there is much more research that needs to be done, but hopefully each piece is a step in the right direction. At least, that is what I am aiming for by honouring the experiences for what they are, rather than 'explaining them away'.

Thanks also to anyone else who participated. If anyone see this in the next day or so and has not participated send me a PM/email.


Posted over 10 years ago

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