Near Death Experience or NDE

Beginner to Astral Projection

George Richfield, Here to experience OBE
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Sorry Here is my number +2348034582685

Posted over 6 years ago | 1851 views

Transported to a Room of Fog wheras I thought I died.

Michelle Lopez, Michelle697
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Thank you Kerstin. I definitely think I was pulled through as it literally felt like I was pulled by my hair and I could feel my body move backwards and a room of fog.

I pray each night before sleep for protection by God and Archangel Michael in white light. That particular night I don't think I did as I had been traveling for several days and was in a hotel and out of my daily routine. I realized I was not dead when God and my husband were not there to welcome me. It then turned into a lucid dream. Definitely a different experience than your typical vibrational OBE.

Posted over 8 years ago | 2526 views

Have you had an Out-of-Body Experience? - Research participation request

Andrew Hodrien, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Hi everyone,

Please see below for research I am conducting on Out-of-Body Experiences until 9th November which I hope you will consider participating in.



Have you had an "Out-of-Body Experience"?

Request for research participation

Researchers at Nottingham Trent University are conducting research on the content of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) using an online survey until 9th November 2014 (23:50 GMT). If you have had one or more OBEs follow the link below to the project webpage where the survey can be accessed, thanks.

"approved by admin"

Posted over 10 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 3412 views

Suicide and NDE

little star orion, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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I had a lot of problems/emotional pains when I was younger. And one day I had to decide whether to live or to die. The pain was worse and the only way out was death, I thought. But the other way out was right through all the emotional pain. And that was the only "right" way.

And at that moment I realized I wanted to live, but until that moment, because of all the fears that kept me from really living, really being me, I realize I had been dead all the time. I had to start being alive, just like being asleep and realizing you can wake up.
And I am really glad that I am still here. I still chose to life and try to heal.

Posted about 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 12082 views

What is Near Death Experience ?

celeste, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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What I have been told and what I have experienced is at one point in my life I may have died. That happened about 33 years ago and what seems to have happened is an echo. I'm not making any conclusions based on 33 years of experience because there are many things to be considered.

I was in a car wreck and the car rolled over me and I was 6 months in a coma. I would be a perfect candidate for an NDE and I would say that my NDE did occur maybe 3 years later in college. It was a very shocking experience. I reviewed the accident from my own perspective and felt the weight of the car as it rolled over me. That was the echo.

I believe that is what happens.

Posted over 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 4671 views

Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life -

samuelrey, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
0 Likes - 1 Reply

That is quite interesting theory you got there.

Posted almost 11 years ago | 2505 views

Dreams Through Dreams NDE

Ellyz, If you wanna be a Hero|You need to have Dreams
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I was dreaming that day and had these seeings , Ok i will tell you the story, In that dream i was at the school and visit a underground passage  :o and i was like "ooh there is something like this in here" there i met a old man that toured me in the whole underground after that the old man show me a red ball like candy, i dont remember what did he say , but i remember this word that he said, he said that you will be vanished and you will be seperated from your own body if u dont want to eat this red candy, i refuse to eat and i've gotten into the court of the school and i saw my classmates there and they cannot see me and interact with me, and one of my classmate talked to me {i dont remember either what he say to me} after that i was vanishing im looking at my hands they all turned into a spirit and i was seeing nothing until...(continued)

Posted about 12 years ago | 2362 views

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