naveen anchan
I'm Here for Inner Awakening
The most common experience for beginners is to have a dream in which they become LUCID for only a brief moment and then they awaken. So don't be surprised if your first lucid dream is rather short-lived.
A common first experience may be as SHORT AND SIMPLE as realizing you are dreaming, yelling at the top of your lungs, 'I DID IT!' and then waking up in your bed.
For some reason, excessive amount of EXCITABILITY and INTENSE EMOTIONS will often wake a beginner right from his/her lucid dream. But it is just that intensity that will result in aborting the whole lucid dream.
The first most important thing for beginners is to learn to avoid getting OVERLY EXITED.
You have to believe that with TIME and EXPERIENCE you will be able to handle more and more intensity without losing your focus or your lucidity.
In the beginning you should contain your excitement as best as you can.
It is a good idea to have a simple goal for your first lucid dream. Something as s
Posted about 13 years ago
(edited over 9 years ago)
naveen anchan
I'm Here for Inner Awakening
People are mystified by the need for sleep. Why do we turn ourselves off for eight hours out of twenty-four? Some likely answers are to restore the body and mind, and to keep us out of trouble during the dark hours.
**LUCID DREAMERS** are more aware of their real situation, they know they are **dreaming** thus we can say they are **AWAKE IN THEIR DREAMS**.
But how does anyone or anything come to be **aware**?
The sensory organs detect information (like light, sound, texture etc) in the world and transmit it to the brain. The brain interprets the information and synthesizes it into a conception of what is happening in the outside world.
Our brain maintains an up-to-date model of what's going on in the world and predicts what may happen in the future.
Prediction requires using previously acquired information to go
beyond the information currently available.
The contents of your consciousness,that is, your current experiences, are constructed and depend on y
Posted over 13 years ago
(edited over 9 years ago)