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Question about Ascension in 21st December 2012

Mewsic Learning is true beauty~
I am a Christian as well, and it is believed by most Christians that the Rapture will happen on a day that is completely unknown to mankind. Personally, I believe no one knows when the Rapture is, and maybe this event is some kind of prophecy in some other religion that I am not sure of(it probably dates back centuries that people have believed this). However, although I don't believe anyone knows for sure when the Rapture will happen, it very well could happen on December 21st, this year.(stating this because you said you were Christian, and I am assuming you believe in the Rapture.) Also, OBE's are a spiritual thing(in MANY religions), and I think it is mentioned in the Bible(in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verses 6 and 7: "(6)Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel broken at the well, (7) and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.") I

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 5659 views

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