I would say of course you can, you can open up answers within you already stored, subconsciously or higher self and it can open up with the other individual you are having these issues with. If you do not wish to stay as connected to that someone, I don't know how sensitive you are to these things, I am one very, then you have to undo the work previously, shutting down, disconnecting more in terms of not thinking of that someone or the issue or issues no more as you are sending off energy that direction and the bond can then be stronger. Hope it all works out for you and you'll get the answers you need.
I had that about 2 or 3 times and it began with me as with you with eyes closed but then as I opened I still saw them. there was a portal where I then was so that was what i was told they were coming from. i think too they can sense energy over there so if someone else had been there before them and i had seen, felt that, trying to get into my sleep, dreams at first, not one spirit only but two, different times, then they can move there i gather more easily. i asked for help to close the portal and have not experienced all these people, dressed differently too from their black sillouite looking self.