Evil Brain, Angel Heart
Evil Brain, Angel Heart
I don't know the exact answer to your questions but I've actually read some accounts where Astral Projection whilst pregnant has provided a means for the mother and child to connect in a spiritual sense and communicate. Which can only be a good thing if its true!
Posted over 12 years ago
Evil Brain, Angel Heart
Hey i'm new over here,
my name is Luke, I'm 18 years old and livin in The Netherlands..
I discoverd the Astral Plane/Projection about a week ago when I heard some lyrics in a song about it.
After reading alot about it i'm gettin curious to do it myself and got here..
Hope ya''ll can learn me more about Astral Projection and later being able to do it myself
I'm new to all this spirital stuff and didnt meditade my whole life ( Dont know if that's good or bad in this ? )
Posted over 12 years ago
(edited over 12 years ago)
Evil Brain, Angel Heart
Lay there in a relaxed state taking deep breaths and start thinking out stories. Really anything you could daydream about. Ironically, this is how I get to sleep at night. The differences, is that because you have been practicing, you know all the cues of falling asleep. You will visualize a story, and then snap back to thinking that you lost focus of your story. You'll be like, "Crap!" But, actually what you just did was perfect. You are more disconnected and still maintaining awareness. So, then visualize another story, try to bring it as far as you can. And again you will lose focus and snap back. Be persistent and stay focused on you stories. Really they can be any physical manifestation daydream, just keep 'em coming. Eventually, the milestones will start to kick in. For instance a noise in one of your visualizations will actually happen, but because you have been practicing you will not be startled. Just think, "good" and enjoy the added effects to you thoughts. Keep up your visu
Posted over 12 years ago
Astral Projection