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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Astral Projection - 2 Replies

Cool short experience

Lostlight2013 I'm Here for Inner Awakening
I had an exciting experience where i drifted asleep while i was laying in bed meditating. Well i woke up while i was asleep, i could hear and feel myself snoring, it was pretty exciting. Then i got intense vibrations but couldn't, the only thing that could was my arms. SO i thought to myself (or so i thought) "man i could use some help". Just then, i felt two hands grab mine, they were very warm, and probably the most memorable part of the experience. Once they grabbed me, they pulled me in OPPOSITE directions, it felt very much like getting torn in half right down the middle, just not pain of course! :). At this point, i was out of my body and for some reason i was at my parents house in my old room. As i stood up i felt very groggy, like i was going to fall over and fall asleep so i ran (which was more like stumbled) away from my room and through my bedroom door. (going through the door was the last verification i needed to know i was out of body.) I was in my parents living

Posted about 11 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2135 views
Astral Projection

Possibly Help from the other side?

asked over 11 years ago | 1101 views

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