I used to get the same feeling when I attempted to project, It still happens here and there actually. All I can say is, because astral projection/ lucid dreaming is much more vivid and realistic than an ordinary dream, it would make me assume the body sends out some pretty heavy chemicals to numb you from acting out your experience. Make some changes to clean your diet if you haven’t already, iv noticed when I eat strictly vegan, as much raw food as I can get, the sluggish feeling after a projection attempt isn’t nearly as bad and doesn’t last quite as long. Much love my friend! Stay astral!
Setting a solid goal I can keep focusing on should help tons. I noticed if I would smoke bud it may be easier to enter that state of complete calmness but to actually "push" myself into sleep paralysis and beyond was near impossible XD Thanks Praveen! Your responses are always useful
We all have spirit guides, they often show up when you aren't looking for them or (this is the case for me) when you need them most. From my experience so far they act in very subtle ways that is super easy to overlook as a "coincidence" or simply ignore as daily life and such. Meditate, get in touch with your inner subconscious and give your body the proper nutrients/rest it needs and you very well may get a nice greeting, good luck, Cheers!
I guess its a good thing people haven't been able to give me a nickname, it has kind of helped me avoid labels in society. Maybe something will occur that changes my perspective on things even more, thanks for the reply!
Your own fears are the only danger, there is nothing that should stop you from wanting to project! If you see a demon or evil entity, simply tell it you love it, send happy, bright vibes or imagine it doing something funny and you will be left alone.