Astral Projection Forum

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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Lucid Dreaming - 10 Replies

Lucid Dream in real time???

jerri I'm Here for Inner Awakening

@darklon... that makes sense to me now that I think of that means you can go from Lucid state to Astral travel... just going on experience here , I have done it many times.

Posted about 13 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 4908 views
Astral Projection - 6 Replies

Astral projecting on medication (seroquel)?

jerri I'm Here for Inner Awakening
You can't relax because your mind is getting in the way sweetie.... You would be better just to suggest you will leave your body and then go onto just regularly falling to sleep... You mind already knows what you want to do so when that moment comes when you are drifting, your mind will tell you that you are but be careful not to get excited and wake yourself to where you will have to try and fall asleep again... It is more about training your mind to relax... we relax naturally when we don't have a purpose in mind.... Our minds are active even when trying to relax our bodies... mind and body goes hand in hand so you can't have one relax and not the other and expect it will work..... I think peoples problem is they try to hard as I was there, only when I stopped and put suggestions in my mind did it start to work....  Now this is only my opinon from expererience... I do not claim to know anything professionally... experience though is the best teacher... I hope what ever method yo

Astral Projection - 5 Replies

Is my friend crazy?

jerri I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Wow, I have researched this for over a year and never came across this.... I wonder if she is not wording it right... we all face our fears when there... it can be as real as here or more real and free... I wonder if she learned there and applied it to waking life... in other words created a new reality but yet wouldn't have done it without astral travel......  If this is not the case then Calamity has said everything ... depending on what questions you ask you will not know where she stands sanity wise... Good luck , you are such a good friend to be concerned for her..  :)

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