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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Paranormal - 2 Replies

Tap Into Your Intuition

jcolanzi I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Here's a really simple technique to access your intuition. I've only been using a few days and it gets stronger every time I use it.

The Method:
(1). Formulate the question.
(2). Hold that thought for as long as possible.
(3). Assume that the event has occurred.
(4). Drop into a "blank mind" state and wait.


Posted about 11 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2967 views

Free 10 Lesson Zhan Zhuang Qiqong Course

asked almost 11 years ago | 1910 views
Paranormal - 6 Replies

clairvoyance question

jcolanzi I'm Here for Inner Awakening


Thanks for the info. It just seemed so real.  Never happened before.


Off topic - 1 Reply

Create Positive Changes With Psi

jcolanzi I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I just wanted to add to the original post.

The project is to contact politicians and corporate heads using psi abilities and project positive psychic energy to hopefully bring about some positive changes in the direction we are going.



Free Psionic And Radionics Books

asked about 11 years ago | 2099 views

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