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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Astral Projection - 1 Reply

PLEASE HELP...! My first experience with AP

itsamazing I'm Here for Inner Awakening
PLEASE HELP...! My first experience with AP I have been trying to project since week. But every attempt I made was unsuccessful I couldn't reach the vibrational stage. Until today morning I woke up at around 5:30 I look at the window if was still dark. I thought to project but I waited until 6:30 (as I afraid of dark) lol. I just closed my eyes and drift off to sleep, now I was dreaming about myself in bed and attempting to project and was feeling some sensation back of my head. Suddenly, I realize I was dreaming I woke up but I didn’t open my eyes. OMG! I was feeling as If my head was motor and a very large propeller was attached in the very center of the back of my head and was moving. I can hear the sound it was like fluf, fluf, fluf…. I could even sense the direction of the propeller was moving (it was counter clockwise). The feeling was soothing but scary, I knew it was happening and I clearly had the feeling that I’m in a vibrational stage but I doubt it, as it was taking

Posted about 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 3067 views

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