striking up a conversation

Posted over 1 year ago , by Kraezon

Hi there, Since I was young I've had all kinds of experiences which I simply couldnt explain to anyone. Things that Im only starting to understand now, from encountering entities and manifestations of thought forms, to involuntary astral travel. I have met beings who in some way reside on venus and mars (no idea how just remember thats what they showed me) and met a reptillian once (i actually didnt believe in reptillian beings because I thought it was all conspiracy theory dillusion, but here we are) and I cant stop thinking about that brief interaction. I have been able to see through my brothers eyes whilst I was asleep and he was awake, and ive been able to interact with my dogs in a telepathic way... Further more I've been able to interact in other peoples dreams which they remembered after, and ive also been able to look at an individual in the astral realm who was performing a reading in real life and she saw me. Im not an expert or someone trying to say they have crazy abilities, literally all of that was outside of my conscious control, and that's what brings me here. I realise that my whole life has literally been showing me what's exists everywhere, in each of us but I ignored it for too long, I can even say that at one point I became a very low vibe person to put it in a way. Right now I've been given an opportunity to reflect on my self, and I've decided to give myself a course correction and both try to understand all my experiences as well as to move in a positive direction with that. One of the things I'm missing though is a place to talk seriously about these things, I've tried with the people closest to me but they either ignore it or hear me out but don't have a way to relate. Worse yet are those who believe in spiritual concepts but approach it with fear or judgement rather than curiosity and understanding. So I hope I can find even just a few people who I can share a conversation with on this stuff.

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scottydawg , Realm tripper

Hello mate..have a lot of experience in the astral realm..totally get what you wrote about people not getting it.. hit me up if you have time . One love

Posted 11 months ago

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