Hi I just wanted to say I am new astral projection and I am looking for tips on getting started. I tried achieve sleep paralysis 3 separate times in 3 days and on the 3rd occasion i used binaural tones for the first time. Im unsure what state I was in or how far away from actually leaving my body I was but the feelings where as of my body and head was shaking side to side whilst I was lied completely still and then after I coped with that for a short period it was if I was overcome with a burst energy and my brain was screaming to my body to move which I couldn't cope with. I felt as I was about to explode. I would very much appreciate it if somebody could please help me.
New to the astral.
Posted over 8 years ago
, by Shaun
I read somewhere about an astral projection exit technique that involes breathing with the mouth open. I was wondering should I breath through the nose and out the mouth while the mouth is open? And should I do it before I experience sleep paralysis or during sleep paralysis. Or should I do it when my body gets numb which is what happens with me.
Posted over 8 years ago