Hi I just wanted to say I am new astral projection and I am looking for tips on getting started. I tried achieve sleep paralysis 3 separate times in 3 days and on the 3rd occasion i used binaural tones for the first time. Im unsure what state I was in or how far away from actually leaving my body I was but the feelings where as of my body and head was shaking side to side whilst I was lied completely still and then after I coped with that for a short period it was if I was overcome with a burst energy and my brain was screaming to my body to move which I couldn't cope with. I felt as I was about to explode. I would very much appreciate it if somebody could please help me.
New to the astral.
Hello Shaun, Welcome to the forum, Great that you are almost there to exit your body.
You can try to calm yourself more and find an exit technique which works for you.
Here you can find almost all the exit techniques: Astral projection exit techniques
Let us know if you have any other queries.
Really praveen you think i am close? I feel as if im still lacking vibrations but i also know that not everybody gets the vibrations. I just wish that when i was overcome with energy and felt like i was going to explode i wish i would of been able to cope and carry on but after a few days meditating and clearin my mind i think that i am once again ready to try. Sometimes i also worry about what i may see when i astral project such as entities and what not.. I fel that the worry inside me at times could be my biggest set back..
Welcome! It always nice when peole get interested.
I had a similar experience regarding sleep paralysis, there was this one time that it was almost painful to hold back against the urge to move, my eyes even got teary.
I would like to know for how long have you been trying to project,and for how long did you practiced sleep paralysis, because the ideal would be to stick to one technique for a while before moving on to the next.
According to what you've said, I think sleep paralysis could be a good technique for you. I think it's quite a good way to project.It's one of my personal favorites ( although I still haven't projected myself ).
Good thing you recognize you have worries,this way will be easier to sort them out,because they are really what's probably holding you back from projecting.
I would like to talk more in detail once you give us more information about your routine and experiences.
Hi yngjo in regards to trying to project it is something i have not been able to do as I've not yet effectively completed sleep paralysis. I feel as if I am close because the sensation through my body is like nothing I've ever experienced before. Now i have only just recently started to try learn steps to ap again, I had a shot a while ago and lost instrest but some stuff recently happened to me which now really makes a difference to the beliefs in my life and I think having an Obe in the astral realm would be a good way to actually understand how everything works if that makes sense?
Of course, it makes perfect sense. And you should keep going,because you might be really close, and if you give up your efforts will go to waste!
As I said before,I think you should stick with sleep paralysis for a while, and even if you don't reach full sleep paralyisis, you should stick with it some more, there's plenty of techniques to reach it out there.
Let me tell you something that is not much of a secret, but still many people forget about that.
While trying paralysis the body wants to make sure our brain has fallen asleep, you know, it will test in a million ways, and the worst one possible is the urge to move, which is awfully torturing. When you start to think about giving up the paralysis,it means you're almost there! If you can only resist that intense urge to move, the next thing you'll know is that you'll be completely paralyzed. Quite unfair, huh?
Is indeed hard to resist, but if you do, you'll have success. You're in the right track, keep on going and keep sharing your progress with us!
I read somewhere about an astral projection exit technique that involes breathing with the mouth open. I was wondering should I breath through the nose and out the mouth while the mouth is open? And should I do it before I experience sleep paralysis or during sleep paralysis. Or should I do it when my body gets numb which is what happens with me.