Hi, My journey is leading me back to a spiritual path after years of being jaded by negative experience. Finally getting back to my core. I just want to hear some thoughts & share the experience that \i had last night. I beleive I had an experience with astral travel & it was like nothing ive ever felt before. I have been doing some research & self developm3ent & last night I was attempting to have this experience, but it felt like something else altogether! I was trying to travel a short distance but I didnt go where I was attempting to go. This is really wierd. My body was lying down in bed, but I went backwards!! ?? I travelled a short distance out of my body, but i was backwards, in the middle of the bed, go figure?? I had this incredible feeling & ive been able to identify that this feeling, whilst extremely amplified, is an energy that ive been tapping into naturally quite recently. I dont know if it was my body, but everything felt extremely tingly. I dont use drugs, but I can best describe it as like 'being high''. I cant fully remember when exactly I went back into my body, but when I did. I couldnt move my body for however long.. I was a little frightened & I was trying to turn my lamp on, & I tried twice & it was like my spirit was moving, in the same plane as my body, & I flippad over & reached for the lamp twice, but (its a touch lamp) my hand would NOT turn it on, which distressed me a bit. On the third attempt, my body allowed me to turn on the lamp. Also, is it possible to see different times doing this? i saw my mother in the kitchen & it was really weird. Id really love to get some feedback on this experience from ppl who know about this, thankyou!!!
Welcome to the forum, spunky81! Sounds like you are making progress towards projection. Praveen has given you good advice. Make sure that you prepare yourself spiritually before attemmpting to project (Clear chakras, think positive thoughts, etc). This will prevent you from feeling frightened when you project.
Posted over 12 years ago
(updated over 9 years ago)