I'm Chris & I'm New

Posted about 6 years ago , by Christian

So, 8 or so months ago I found myself outside my bedroom window, staring at a lampost outside my house in the middle of the night. I new I had left my body behind but at the time I did not know what astral projection was and I assumed I was in another lucid dream. [I would have lucid dreams often but not too frequently].

I was aware that I was not in my own reality but after a few minutes I came to the conclusion that this was nothing like any dream I've ever had before. For one thing it was dead quite.. exactly how it would sound on my dirt road at 3am. Nothing seemed to change in my surroundings based on my thoughts.. I was just there while at the same time, not "physically" there.

I had left my body behind. I suddenly became very excited, as I've never had this experience before. I began to try and walk to the end of my street but I kept floating to far off the ground and instead took large slow leaps whenever I took a step forward. Not being familiar with astral projection, I began to get nervous the farther I strayed from my body. I didn't see this silver chord that I keep reading about now, and I was worried that I would not be able to return if I went to far.

This fear of the unknown brought me back to my head before I could even get to the end of my road. Since then I've been fixated on the idea of going back and more recently I have been making attempts to return.

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