What is this experience?

Posted about 9 years ago , by Ayberk

Hello everyone, i want to share you my experience as i can not define it and ask you guys to help me know what i experienced.

One night, to sleep, i went to my bed and i started thinking about my girlfriend. While i was thinking about her at a point i was like %80 sleeping and %20 consciouss. It felt like i was reading her subconsciouss thoughts and talking with her subconscioussness mind. It was like hearing some thoughts of her and then falling asleep and 10 seconds later hearing them again and i talked back and then i fell asleep again. Like a cycle of talking with her subconsciousness mind and falling asleep but in a short time between. And later few days later she told me that before sleeping, she felt someone literally and was scared. Was i projecting to her presence or something?? What can it be what do you think? btw, it really felt like different while thinking of her absolutely different experience.

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Gardener, ...
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Interesting. It seems that when people are strongly emotionally connected, or in a heightened emotional state, telepathy-type experiences can become more frequent and intense.

I once felt extreme anxiety during the night about a bad decision I had made. Desperate to talk to someone, I considered calling my ex because I knew he would be nice and supportive. However, it was 2am and I thought it was much too inconsiderate to call, so I just suffered alone.

The next day, he called me, very troubled. We had not spoken in 3 weeks before this. He said he had dreamt I was knocking on his door in the middle of the previous night. It woke him up because it felt so real. He tried to go back to sleep, but the feeling was so strong that he eventually got out of bed, went to his front door, opened it and looked out to see if I was there!

He's a smart professional person and knew this sounded odd, but the experience was so real and puzzling. I'm quite sure that my high anxiety + focus on him sent out some kind of distress signal which he received. It's fascinating.

Posted over 8 years ago

Ayberk, yo

Absolutely interesting, thanks for sharing! Yesterday btw, I had the second exactly SAME dejavu yesterday at the same exact point in my toilet at home. VERY different experience again. Seems like my perception is changing at a point.

Posted over 8 years ago

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