Report of Traveler in the Astral World

Posted almost 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae

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The following is a review of an excellent book, Recits d'un voyageur de l'Astral, by Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan.

Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan are two remarkable people. They write in French and have published quite a few books based on experiences that have come to them through the astral dimension and their spiritual guides. Some of their books have been translated into several languages and have become very popular.

Unfortunately only one book has been translated into English, The Way of the Essenes, Christ's Hidden Life Remembered (Destiny Books, isbn 0-89281-322-9). What makes the their books so unique is that they both have the ability to mentally leave their physical bodies and explore the astral realms, under the supervision of their spiritual guides.

This is different than "channeling". In Recits d'un voyageur de l "Astral" (Reports of an Astral Traveler), one of their guides takes them to the different levels of the astral worlds, and shows them, in spirit form, nature, villages, houses and people on those levels.

The Guide
The book begins with Daniel going out of his body and arriving in the landscape of a forest. He meets his guide who is of medium height, has a long face and long skull, small eyes and a faint bluish skin color.  Later in the book his guide explains him that he (the guide) has never lived physically on earth. He did have a physical existence on a far away planet. In his last incarnation, in another era, he took part in a colonization on the planet earth, as an religious adviser. After he arrived on the astral plane (or died) he continued with his work on earth and with its spiritual development.


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MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

For now, he guides Daniel on the astral plane, as he was asked to do so by a group of beings who belong to a kind of special commission, its task it is to study all possibilities to spread and to develop certain ideas. His guide is a representative of this group. He explains that in recent years they had pushed his life in a certain direction to prepare him for his task ahead. His guide explains that one of their most important purposes is to make man understand that he has not always reasoned as he does now. At present (most of) mankind believes we are only a physical body. A long time ago mankind had a much greater knowledge and awareness, this was in what is generally referred to as the 'golden age'. We have to go back and find our true past to make an end to our political, philosophical, anthropological and religious mistakes.

The Afterlife
    On another day, Daniel finds himself in meadow. His guide explains that he has arrived in the world of the deceased. Although we call them deceased or dead, actually they are still living as if they were on the physical plane, but now in an astral world. There are people walking around in different costumes, depending on the time frame of their last lives on earth. After having spent some time on the astral plane, the soul eventually feels itself attracted again to the physical world, because it has not freed itself yet completely from its physical ties. With its re-incarnation it will be assisted by beings who are specialized in this task.

    When a person dies he enters the world he expects to find in the afterlife.  If the person was an atheist during his life he will find himself in a not always unpleasant black, indefinable substance. Even when a person was religious and had certain expectations, he will have to break the limitations he has made for himself, because the world in which he arrives will always be limited by his expectations and belief system. The more a man has evolved, the quicker he will adjust himself to the new situation after he dies. In general the deceased will be welcomed by his family members and friends who went before him.


Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Daniel notices that the world he finds himself in contains great beauty and originality. In the astral world it is sufficient to desire something to make it appear, as long as it is not in conflict with the general interest of the beings who are there. Thus anybody can create himself a luxury house or castle by his thoughts.

State Leaders
    Daniel and his guide walk towards a beautiful building. His guide explains that the building, reminiscent of the time of Atlantis, is a kind of public place, where they study the case of certain persons in this area of the astral world. Their file is being studied in order to orient them for their next incarnation. Daniel and his guide walk up to a group of beings who will be state leaders in their next incarnation. These beings have come together to create  a new type of civilization. They are not wise people (present mankind would not accept wise men as leaders), but beings intelligent and without personal ambition. They were chosen because their capacities.

    In his next astral projection, his guide explains that astral projection is an active thing in contrast to mediums who are passive. Mediums from spiritism circles focus their energies on the lower astral realms, while holy men or saints, who are also passive, focus on the higher astral realms and even on the spiritual realms.

    His guide elaborates on some religious issues. No religion or esoteric group can say that they have the only truth. Each religion or belief system arises in a certain period in relation to the spiritual development of the people, and dependent on their race, geography and climate. At present many religions have lost the meaning of their rituals. This is regrettable because a ritual is meant to come into communication with beings from the spiritual world. For example, people no longer know why it is good to fold the hands together when praying. This is done to close an energy circuit in the body that allows for greater concentration and power. Or why the color a priest wears is important; colors send out their particular vibrations, aside from being symbolic.


Posted almost 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Life on the Astral Plane
    When a slight breeze moves the tops of the astral trees, Daniel expresses his wonder about the fact that there is a wind in the astral world. His guides explains that everything on earth you will also find in the astral world, except for thunderstorms, tornados, or violent weather. The beings in the astral world only want peace and harmony. The human soul generally is attracted by the beautiful and the good. There no wars, no quarrels as no two beings who not in harmony with each other can live in the same astral realm. The souls here want to rest from their previous, physical life. After a while they will get bored with their environment because all their wishes are immediately fulfilled. Then they start to widen their knowledge, to improve themselves and to prepare themselves for another life on earth.

    Daniel asks a questions that many people have: Will people who are in harmony, or love each other, find each other on the same astral plane after they died? Yes, but they really have to attuned to each other, not just superficially. Only strong feelings and connections allow souls to stay together in the astral world.

The Lower Astral Worlds
    The conversation turns to the lower astral worlds. Daniel once had an awful out-of-the-body-experience in which he was traveling through a grey mud of monster-like beings with rooting bodies, evil eyes and awful cries. His guides explains this happened because of fear that can arise when leaving the physical body. Fear lowers the vibration of the astral body and thus it travels through the lower astral worlds.

In the lower astral worlds are also the elementals, which are the astral projections of nature forces, like the fairies, gnomes etc. Here you can also find the 'shadows', which are deceased people who are very slow in making their transition. In general it is better not to contact these worlds as there are too many risks involved.

Posted almost 11 years ago

Fenil, I'm here to be a Universe Wanderer....!

BEAUTIFUL!!!  Seems an awesome novel!

Posted almost 11 years ago

Lpc, LPC

This is an excellent thread. Much of what has been written in the book description (which you are quoting) accords with my own experience of the astral.

Posted almost 11 years ago

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