I don't know what this would be concidered.

Posted about 13 years ago , by Calamity

I have had many odd experiences, most of my life i was atheist, in fact i am a minister of the first church of atheism.  i usually try to find logical reasons for the things i have experienced, my aunt is a psychologist, when she's not a born again christian she say's im schizophrenic, when she's a born again, then im possessed by the devil. Personally, i think she's crazy.
Anyhow, one experience i had was by no means paranormal, not scary, but i find it was one of the reason's i started to become agnostic and started studying eastern religions.
At the time, i was working like crazy. I had two job's: one at a hospital during the weekends graveyard shift and the second at a post-production studio n. I was also going to school after work four days a week. Added to that, i was acting as taxi driver for my grandmother while she was sick and taking her to the dr, as well as interrupting my sleep everyday to drive my brother to work. I also drove my co-worker/friend friend home almost every day to north hollywood, while i lived 30 miles from there. In l.a. traffic, it usually took me an hour and a half to get home in the morning after a graveyard shift at the hospital.
So, i was extremely sleep deprived. I was driving home from work, after having dropped off a friend of mine and i was on the 118 freeway, which is a long streach and pretty straight. I fell to sleep while i was driving. I don't know how long i had been asleep, but i suddenly saw two bright red light's behind my eyelids and i became aware my eyes were closed. My eye's shot open and i saw i was cruising at 90 something miles an hour and i was about to collide with a big rig truck, which was a couple yards ahead of me.
I slammed on the breaks and fishtailed to a stop. I don't know how i saw the taillights, it was day time so needless to say, the red light's that i saw weren't really there.
Now, i sometimes can see when my eyes are closed, it's like i can phsycially see the room i am in-sometimes. I also sometimes hear voices but only on the verge of sleep. One time i asked a voice a question, and i received an answer in a visual form. It was a scary experience. I was laying on my couch with my eye's closed and i hear the voice say "He's as cold as ice." It didn't make any sense, but at this time i was trying to figure out what was going on with me, my fiance had just past away and i was hoping there was life beyond. So someone said, next time you hear a voice, talk to them. So i asked "Who is?" Then an image flashed in front of my closed eyes. It was a sillohette  of a man, framed in what looked like a deep blue flames. He had chin length hair, and that was all i could see. But it scared the shit out of me, so i have never spoken to these voices again. My aunt once told me, schizophrenics hear voices only out of one ear, but i am certain that i am hearing out of both sides. But not like the voices are coming from somwhere. I hear them, but it sounds like it's coming from inside my head sometimes.
Anytime someone say's they hear voices, people automatically think crazy. but each voice i hear-on the verge of sleep- is different. It's usually not talking to me. Sometime's it's like i hear bit's of converstaions, kind of like walking through a mall, you can hear people talking and focus on a converstaion. If anyone has had these kind of experiences' and know what it is or wants to share, it would be nice to know that im not crazy =)- also, if anyone knows the significance of a white owl (not a real one, but one i saw in a mirror reflection)

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

I had a similar experience a year back, I used to hear voices when I'm sleep paralyzed, I used to get very scary, But actually the words I used to hear was just simple words, I don't know why I was getting scared, I don't remember those words, But the Voice that I was hearing was similar to my friends Voices.. But one day I got very scared and I replied to them " STOP", After that I'm not hearing any voices.

@Calamity - When I read your Post, I remembered this. Even I need to know the answer of those voices.

Posted about 13 years ago

calamity, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

thx. everything did start about the same time as when the sleep paralysis started when i was about 13. it could be connected. i dont know. but you having the same thing does lean me towards thinking it is connected.

Posted about 13 years ago

celeste, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

First of all let me comment on you being an atheist and being a minister of a church.  You cancel out the meaning of being an atheist by being a minister of a belief.  You believe in atheism  You say you are agnostic and study eastern religions.  That defines schizophrenia.
That is no meant to be negative, but it also shows by the many directions you are taking.  When you speak of 'being in a mall,' that is exactly what it is.  You are surrounded everywhere at all times by personalities.  They are not discarnate beings, they are individual thoughts that inhabit personalities. 
That is why there are random occurrences of all sorts.  That is why little accidents occur to you, silly things, like you knock over a glass of water when you don't usually do that.  Your consciousness gets so low in vibrations that it picks up the lower frequency thoughts.
An owl is a nocturnal creature and that is what you were being.  The owl has keen eyesight because it can see in a different way that we humans do.  When you had the experience driving, your eyes were not closed, they were seeing a different way.  And because you were going 90 miles an hour, that tells me that something was controlling your thoughts, but it could not overpower your warning mechanisms in your body.

Posted over 12 years ago

Lpc, LPC

Seeing with your eyes closed is quite common; it involves your "third eye". If you use the search box at the top of the page, you will find several discussions about this phenomenon. Also, you can google it.

Hearing voices, humming, buzzing, etc. is a common sign that you are on the verge of projecting. It's a frequent indicator.

Forget about silly divisions between hard-line religious fanatics and hard-line atheists. We are all linked to the Source. Being open to all possibilities in the universe is the most important thing.

Posted over 12 years ago

KellsBells, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Whoa.  I think I'm in the right forum.

Posted over 12 years ago

monica, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Welcome to the forum KellsBells,

You are absolutely in a right forum ;)

Posted over 12 years ago

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