Extra vibration stage

Posted over 5 years ago , by Moriba Kaba

Hello, it bas been almost one months I have been practicing to astral project. I have expérience lucid dreams and vibrations many times. But Today something very strange happen to me that I have never experienced in my life. Laying on my back and almost asleep I feel like something living entered my body followed by a very very extrem vibration from my head to legs I couldn't move not shout. I ask myself, am I dying, going crazy or possessed by demons. Then I get awake as I really wanted to. Is this normal Please? I am scared to try again.

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Quinton, Much love

Hello. I have had this happen numerous times to me in my practice of astral projection. Your body went to sleep and your mind stayed awake or was awoken without waking your body. You were in the stage of sleep paralysis. SP is a common phenomenon, and it is likely that you heard voices or felt a nearby presence. Continue to bypass this stage and separate from your body to achieve an out-of-body experience. Safe travels.

Posted over 5 years ago

Elsa Sereth White, What else is there?

If you couldn’t move or shout, that sounds like sleep paralysis for sure. One time I fought back against the fear and walked right through the creature and into the astral plane. You may have to get used to sleep paralysis before you can face the fear. If you understand what’s going on it’s easier. Also what helps me is anger. I feel so angry at the things for messing with me that I just embrace a state of rage which scares them off. SP happens mostly to young adults, and when your leaving your body for the astral plane your susceptible to it. ....

Also, you said you’re scared to try again. Sounds like a sign you should definitely try again.

Posted almost 5 years ago

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