Read my devastating post about how to astral project in one day, BUT, Focus here - ( Instead of closing your eyes and relax to project, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND SLEEP)
Change only that from my devastating post and you will have a lucid hopefully :)
Okay, I just meditated again and near the end of my meditation it felt as though the lower half of my body was spinning in one direction while my upper half was spinning in the opposite. My entire body was vibrating and I was having a hard time breathing. I felt like I was going to die and I kind of freaked out and opened my eyes! It was so intense!!! WHAT WAS IT!!!!!! I was excited but scared!
Keep in mind one thing, its impossible to die from meditating, its just an energy in your body :)
Important :- the half breath is a technique for sleep paralysis because durning the sleep paralysis you are taking 1/2 of your normal breath !! So the breathing is ONLY for sleep paralysis status , so using it on yoga while you are sitting is not working because this breathing technique is ONLY for sleep paralysis and i tested it and it worked for me very well.
What is the disappointing? Is there is something you need to ask?
Some people keep having those vibrations.
Some people only have them on first time.
Some people never does!
Im actually one of those people who had them only twice, And i never have them now. First time i found it annoying, later it was very ok as much as i ignore it. And yes you are more than near to project.
Welcome daunte!
You can here share your experiences and questions however you want and we will help you as soon as possible! , There is also a rule to not miss-guide anyone in this forum! So once you ask and we answer, the answers will be 100% correct as we research alot before we respond, So dont be sad when no one replies, because they got no answers. :)
And dont forget to read my devastating posts about how to open your third eye in one day without trying or training!
Safe travels! :)