Astral Projection Forum

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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Astral Projection - 5 Replies

A curious question ;)

dude1981 I'm Here for Inner Awakening

hehe yeah, that would be great. like a forum-meeting on the astral plane  :o

can imagine my wife's look...

"what you're doing honey?"

"preparing for a forum-meeting at the moon in the astral plane"


Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 3019 views
Astral Projection - 21 Replies

Astral project in just 3 days!! Simple like hell!!

dude1981 I'm Here for Inner Awakening
hm i cannot tell you if you need them or not, due i havent had a astral projection yet... but most of the people who had them doesnt mention it at all. so i guess no, its not necessary. i got to the vibrational state without kunulini and the other things. although i imagine the white light everytime. not for 5 minutes as suggested, but a short imagination before i start the process. i guess you dont need it to project, but it makes you feel more secure (at least i do so). what you can do about felling asleep? for me it helps just to focus on something. if its just a word or a phrase or a object doesn't matter, just keep the focus. I've read about another good technique: when you are lying on bet, just raise your hand in the air, 90 degrees... you know not the whole hand, but the upper arm, just have it "standing" upwards. if you fell asleep the hand falls down and you will be awake. and then you are in the perfect state you want you to be. I've never tried it myself, but i

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 13514 views
Announcements - 13 Replies

Hi everyone. New girl here. Hoping for some answers!

dude1981 I'm Here for Inner Awakening
1 Like

Hehe yeah, i know exactly what you mean. Also tried to tell my experiences to a friend. But it was like telling someone in the middle ages about landing on the moon ::)...

I'm also very glad i came here, and can talk with open-minded people about those things :)

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 3318 views
Report Bugs & Improvements - 6 Replies

Mail sending and Sitespeed

dude1981 I'm Here for Inner Awakening


Hm, i guess the mail activation part is because of the low cost server. Much spam sites are hosted on those shared servers, so its possible that the ip's are already blacklisted. sure i can help you finding a new host, also with transferring the forum and database there. just let me know what your budget for a hoster is, but i guess adding 1 or 2 bucks a month would be enough to move from a ultra-low-cost-hoster to a "normal"-low-cost-hoster ;)

if you can afford 5 bucks a month i am sure you get a normal "stable" hosting provider which can at least hold a few hundreds of simultaneous active users at this forum :)

happy day :)

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2350 views

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