hahah omg lol .I-am-literally-dying :3 love you all <3 you need love and to raise your vibrational frequency :3
Its all in your thought. As long as you can think of it consciously or subconsciously your " creation" will be there. Probably:3
I hope that the afterlife will be good 2 ;-;And what you said about other planets made me think of traveling to them while astral :They say some civilisations exist in other planets but in other dimensions . Think about extra dimensional/extraterrestrial aliens "
Anyways it has been also talking with all of you <3
oh and almost forgot. Before trying to project. Think of going around your house and feeling things. Try to feel anything. The air , the floor, the walls everything This will totally do
Can pranic healing be achieved by astral projection ? If so how do i go about it ?