I'm here for astral projection
**Focus 34/35**
The Gathering. Beings from many other locations within the physical universe are gathered here to witness the upcoming Earth Changes.
**Focus 27**
The Reception Center. An artificial area created by human minds, designed to ease the trauma and shock of the transition out of physical reality. It takes on the form of various earth environments in order to be acceptable to the wide variety of newcomers. Contact and communication is open between all inhabitants. Many people living in Focus 27 provide assistance to new arrivals to help them adjust to their new situation. This is a highly organized and structured area.Afterlife free will created by humans resembling earth
**Focus 24, 25, 26**
Belief System Territories. Somewhat similar to Focus 23, however people here are not isolated but live in groups. The inhabitants are humans from all periods and areas who have accepted and subscribed to various premises and concepts. All inhabitants of a specific terr
Posted about 13 years ago
(edited over 9 years ago)
I'm here for astral projection
Astral Projection on steroids, best technique for the currently unsuccessful but also for the most dedicated. Keep working at it and never give up. When you are ready it will happen. No fear and no worry. Become one with consciousness. I hope that helps.
Posted about 13 years ago
(edited over 9 years ago)
I'm here for astral projection
I think it's astral projection, one way to get past fear is to accept it and all possible consequences, if you have done that then there is nothing to fear out of curiosity; what is the name of the CD?
Posted about 13 years ago
(edited over 9 years ago)
I'm here for astral projection
I'm here for astral projection
I'm here for astral projection