When I astral project i do everything I'm supposed to (clear my mind, breathe correctly and tense my muscles to relax them), but when i start to finally relax my legs, arms, head, or feet will start to itch or jerk. If i ever get my body numb it will jerk or move badly occasionally, bringing me out the state of numbness. I was wondering how to stop this, or I don't think I will ever be able to project
keep your mind occupied by counting your breath. For example: inhale 1 exhale 1 inhale 2 exale 2... and so on and so fourth and just count every breath. You could also repeat in your mind: "mind awake, body asleep" with every inhale and exhale. This tricks your mind into thinking your thinking nothing and helps you to achieve that altered state of conciousness even faster- and keeps you awake :)
This is a vivid dream, you experience the dream but can only do certian things.