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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Astral Projection - 5 Replies

scared about this

CrimpJiggler I'm Here for Inner Awakening
I recommend facing the fear and taking a look at what is holding you. I know exactly what you mean, I often keep my eyes closed in sleep paralysis out of fear that I might see something scary, but when you just face the fear you see theres nothing to be scared of. When I was on ritalin, the kind of sleep paralysis I used to get was different, I would instantly get this sense of pure dread, like something was terribly wrong, that kept scaring me so bad that I would pull myself out of paralysis straight away. It got to the point where I was sick of running from it, so I just stayed there to see what was so bad and after about a minute, the sense of terror completely vanished and everything was fine, I could then drift into a lucid dream and have fun. That saying "theres nothing to fear but fear itself" couldn't be more true when it comes to sleep paralysis. Its the fear itself thats scary, not the sleep paralysis. If these things are actually spirits, then they're all around us anyway, s

Posted over 11 years ago (edited over 11 years ago) | 2704 views
Astral Projection - 3 Replies

Sleep Paralysis is Actually Fun.

CrimpJiggler I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Yeah sleep paralysis is great fun. Well, its fun when theres a flood of different hallucinations going on, I just lay back in amazement at whats happening. I don't get visual hallucinations but I hear all kinds of weird noises like from science fictions movies, and feel weird sensations like those massage chairs with the ball that rolls around. When I was a kid, I'd never heard about it, I thought it was just some normal sleep phenomenon, but when I was older I read about it and watched this documentary: []( and for a while after watching that I was terrified of it. I kept thinking about that guy that got ass raped, and the other guy that got dragged out of his bed. I get felt up by the hallucinations, and a couple of times I've got a finger in the ass, but getting ass raped by a hallucination while you're paralysed, that must be horrific. I've never seen this old hag or shadow man, and my hallu

Posted over 11 years ago (edited over 11 years ago) | 3149 views

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