The answer is yes, I have done it several times and the other person has remembered it, unfortunately I dont know how to do it at will, I have only had this occur involuntarily, but I do believe that on some level you and that person have to be on the same frequency or otherwise somehow connected for it to happen naturally. It can be a wonderful thing but it can also freak non spiritually minded people out when they realise they shared a dream which you both remember, so keep that in mind if this ever occurs, I find its best not to make too big a deal of it otherwise they might start avoiding you, but if they are open to it then by all means (just don't hurt anyone is what I'm saying)
PS: one thing ive started doing that I never thought I'd find the time for is meditation, I always thought it was really complicated but its really simple actually, and surprisingly enjoyable once you let the process consume you. Now I dont know if its going to help with astral projection but its certainly teaching me about the subtle parts of me that i dont often pay attention to.