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Lucid Dreaming

Effortless Lucid Dreaming

asked over 10 years ago | 1771 views
Astral Projection - 7 Replies

Sleep paralysis Phasing scary by r1c1

chaztech I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Ok Just like the enraged master said I have been sleeping on my back to increase my chances of sleep paralysis... Last night I had a wierd dream and was trying to raise my hand but couldn't and I woke up in full sleep paralysis!
No fear at all I said to myself OK I'm going out...  I relaxed into it and did the floating up thing and I felt myself leaving and it was good ?
What I felt was the sleep paralysis leaving my body :(  ???

I suppose in some way itz a good thing in that I witnessed something that most people will never experience but as for an OBE it was a bummer!

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