As being related to the astral, it would be like photography in the production of the picture, but it would be the interpretation of the images. For instance, the hamzaad will prompt you to do the opposite of what should be done.
Hey Carly, It sounds like you are close to your mom. And no, it is not rare to act like your mother, especially being a mother yourself. My question is, why did you feel your body tensing? Relax. Have you had dreams before that had your mother in it?
Yes, when I have had a lucid dream, I would feel my surroundings and I guess I could say 'tensing,' but no. What you are describing is a 'tensing' as in pulling, maybe, since you mother says she had the same experience.
That your life is a continuous Lucid Dream? And when you dream, it is a flashback? Or maybe it is other realms, other people, other places?
Happy Thanksgiving! :D