Astral Projection Forum

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I'm Here for Inner Awakening
Announcements - 11 Replies

hi i am new

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening

As being related to the astral, it would be like photography in the production of the picture, but it would be the interpretation of the images. For instance, the hamzaad will prompt you to do the opposite of what should be done.

Lucid Dreaming - 3 Replies

Is this the start of lucid dreaming?

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Hey Carly, It sounds like you are close to your mom. And no, it is not rare to act like your mother, especially being a mother yourself. My question is, why did you feel your body tensing? Relax. Have you had dreams before that had your mother in it?
Yes, when I have had a lucid dream, I would feel my surroundings and I guess I could say 'tensing,' but no. What you are describing is a 'tensing' as in pulling, maybe, since you mother says she had the same experience.

Astral Projection - 6 Replies

My "by accident" experience

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening
My point of view on the whole situation having to do with any kind of projection of the self from the body is anybody with the right 'fuel' can by intuition perform the projection.  A car cannot run without gasoline. The 'fuel' you need to run is simply vitamins and minerals. Then you can perform more than just projection. You should not even have to go through any 'procedure' to project and it may be that everybody is projecting and they just don't know it. They become schizophrenic and wonder where their other half is. They get married thinking that their spouse is their other half. Sometimes it works, but there are times when people just can't figure out why their spouses think the way they do ??? [quote author=Vaiolet.- link=topic=116.msg532#msg532 date=1345335890=Vaiolet.- link=topic=116.msg532#msg532 date=1345335890] hello, i am new and this is my story: In march, I started reading posts on about lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 3937 views
Lucid Dreaming - 12 Replies

meetng other people in a lucid dream

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening
[quote author=little\_star\_orion link=topic=276.msg1325#msg1325 date=1356643682=little\_star\_orion link=topic=276.msg1325#msg1325 date=1356643682] Fear it, that is a good one!! It works, I know. Only my problem is, that in lucid dreams (or normal dreams) mostly my fears become real. So I every time watch my darkest thoughts/fears entering the dream scenario (like looking into a mirror and seeing what I don't want to see, ok, it is a very nice opportunity to have a mirror like that). But the most nice experience was a few days ago, I was watching my fear again and someone told me I should love the fear away. I still have to try if that works. Thanks anyway!! Sandra [/quote] I had my first real lucid dream two nights ago and in that lucid dream there were people.  The first one was my step-mother.  We had an argument that day over something and it got pretty heated and we said things that we otherwise wouldn't.  In that dream, we were in her

Posted about 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 4096 views
Lucid Dreaming - 4 Replies

Do you ever think . . .

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening

That your life is a continuous Lucid Dream? And when you dream, it is a flashback? Or maybe it is other realms, other people, other places?

Happy Thanksgiving! :D

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2434 views
Astral Projection - 3 Replies

astral beings by my bed?

celeste I'm Here for Inner Awakening
My experience is that during your waking hours, your eyes only register what you mind puts together through the action of all other senses.  And all of the sensory registers are based on a range of vibrations per second.  The astral world  is probably some octaves above the range that we can sense. I believe that there is a point where all dimensions, the natural, the astral, the celestial, come together and it is there you may become 'born again' into another Kingdom. The 'beings' that you saw are probably wondering the same thing you are, like 'I don't want them watching me.' We are at a time right now in our history that the 'dimensions' are coming together.  And the norms of the dimensions are very different. And you wonder, 'Can they choose you to become one of them?'  Like, training you in some way.  That is a very exciting thought! [quote author=astralwanderer link=topic=203.msg921#msg921 date=1349930269=astralwande

Posted over 12 years ago (edited over 9 years ago) | 2842 views

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