Astral Projection Forum

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Astral Projection - 4 Replies

Need some idea of what to do next

thank you for the advice!!

Astral Projection - 1 Reply

help if you can

You will not be hospitalized for telling your therapist about your astral projectons. Your therapist may be wary that you are having hallucinations or experiencing depersonalization or even becoming destabilized, especially if you do not have a prior relationship. However, you would not be hospitalized unless you told them you were intending to hurt yourself or someone else. I both am a therapist and have a therapist. I recently starting talking to my therapist about my astral projection experiences. She has met this with some skepticism and some curiosity. Your therapist may focus on WHY you are trying to astral project, but a good therapist will use your astral projections to understand your sense of self and your unconscious. Bottom Line: A therapist that accuses you of being psychotic or schizophrenic rather than trying to understand your experience will not be the right fit for you.

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