How to see through your third eye in one single day! (Devastating post!)

Posted almost 12 years ago , by Enraged Master (Moderator)

Hello everyone!

Today i will be teaching you how to see through your third eye in one single day!! , Are you ready?! Then keep reading :)


1 - Human.
2 - Brain.
3 - Soul.
4 - Two physical eyes.

This is a very easy way i discovered to see through your third eye!! As much as you dont need to practice not even for one second!!

First of all, Go to sleep, Sleep normally like you do everyday.
After you have slept wait untill you wake up, The moment you open your eyes after waking up perform these things very fast but lazily:-

1- Instantly turn into a restful position (( If it was same the position you are then stay))
2 - Close your eyes and relax and breath normally but FOCUS on the wall, Close your eyes but imagine yourself looking at the wall like you are looking at them when your eyes are open!
3 - 10-20 Seconds later you will see that you are really looking from your third eye!! You will be truely amazed like never before!!!

The success chance is 100% Do not worry!

I wont make this post too long so ill shortcut it:-

1 Fall asleep

2 Wait until you wake up

3 Instantly after you open your eyes move or rotate your body to the most relaxing place you feel for your body

4 Close your eyes and imagine your looking at the walls exactly as how it would be when your eyes are open

5 10 to 20 seconds and you will be watching from your third eye!

6 Comment on this post about your result

7 <--- Most important, Hit like button under my profile :P

Thanks for reading everyone and good luck!

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powerpoint, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I'm not sure if I meet the requirements... Am I human. I need insight on this!;)

I will try this out some time. Thanks! You guys are great!

Posted almost 12 years ago (updated almost 12 years ago)

I just woke up and tried it and worked! , Btw, i write about requirements so people cant say i cant do it :p

Posted almost 12 years ago

mindsculpt, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I had just dicovered this trick this year and i have also learned to completely relax my body for paralysis. But one of my visions i had was visions of war victims. It was quite disturbing but i'm fine now.

Posted almost 12 years ago

Trust me mindsculpt, When i make a post with a name ( Devastating post! ), It will carry an incredible results ;)

Posted almost 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Trust me mindsculpt, When i make a post with a name ( Devastating post! ), It will carry an incredible results ;)

True Bro :)
Will try it tonight and post the results soon :)

Posted almost 12 years ago

As far as i know, i done this around 40 times with success everytime :p

Posted almost 12 years ago

powerpoint, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I think my third eye has formed a calcium shield around it due to fluoride. Does your country fluoridate the water supply? Fluoridation really pisses me off...

Posted over 11 years ago

Lol i have no idea to be honest

Posted over 11 years ago

sindaRa, What you seek is seeking you.

original post

Whoa so I read your post a couple of days ago and I thought about this technique.. and I woke up yesterday morning, checked my phone and remained in bed, I was too lazy to get up. I was still feeling sleepy and I don't know when I fell asleep again. But what I know is that my eyes were closed and I was still seeing the window above my head. And I was trying so hard to get up (wasn't actually moving at all). And then I had a weird dream with some crystals...
Sorry for my bad english..

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4

Posted over 11 years ago (updated over 11 years ago)

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