Astral Projection Forum

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You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.
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Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection

Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.

Recently I have been thinking about taking up some alternate nostril breathing from Hatha Yoga. It's great for balancing your nervous system, increasing energy, and improving focus. It is good for enhancing psychic experiences such as meditation, astral projection, and lucid dreaming.

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Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.

It seems to be fixed now. Thanks.

Lucid Dreaming - 1 Reply

magnesium l-threonate

Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.

The lucid dreams stopped, but the stomach discomfort continued. I have stopped taking this supplement. I have a feeling it would be best to only use it for a while from time to time. Not staying on it indefinitely.

Astral Projection - 5 Replies

I'm only feeling tinglings and vibrations. But not more.

Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.
The only group I have heard of that specifically suggests that smoking pollutes the energy bodies is Theosophy. Still, breathing is one of the most important ways we draw in energy and it is better not to do anything that can damage your respiratory system. And now there's Covid-19, and it only takes three cigarettes per day to cause an enzyme in your lungs which escorts virus into healthy cells. It is called angiotensin converting enzyme and it was previously thought to just work in the kidneys. If you have high blood pressure, I suppose you could tell your doctor you want to be put on an ACE inhibitor, but a side effect of those medications is you can lose your sense of taste. One of the main Covid-19 symptoms. You have all kinds of reasons why you should quit. You can dream, though, right? I suggest writing down your dreams every day even if you aren't trying to lucid dream. If you can remember your dreams on a regular basis you can learn astral projection. Even as a smoker. They

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Just saying hi

Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.
One of the things they have in common is that you generally hold still for both. This is because you want your body to go to sleep before your mind does. So you start by finding a relaxed position where you will not be disturbed and will be comfortable after your body starts to shift. Slouching. Even laying down, your body may move as the tension leaves it. The trick is to have a way to keep your mind alert enough without being too alert. Counting, math problems, visualizing things. Repeating a mantra or affirmation. There are techniques about focusing on what you see behind closed eyelids, what you hear both near and far, and the feel of your body on the surface. Robert Monroe called that state of mind awake / body asleep Focus 10. It is a good transition point to meditation, wake-induced lucid dreams, and astral projection. It is a skill and it takes time to learn.

Astral Projection - 1 Reply

stuck after vibrational stage.

Tom You name it, I tried it and failed. But some day I will learn.

Could you please try feeling heavier and sinking into the bed or becoming lighter and floating upward? Not as something taking effort, but gradually imagining what it could be like. So that you don't start adding tension to your body. When you imagine an activity, your brain starts to prepare the nerves and muscles in advance. They can measure electrical signals. You may be losing ground with your relaxation and trance.

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