Symptoms of oncoming conscious projections and a full blown conscious OOBE.

Posted about 11 years ago , by Lostlight2013

I just thought I'd share symptoms and 'walls' I've experienced and overcome. I hope this helps!

These are symptoms that i've noticed, almost like checkpoints in a sense. Some i've overcome, others i have not. However significant or insignicant a symptom my be. I feel it's only right to list them for future purposes.

1.) Buzzing - This isnt a sound like most might expect, but more of a feeling. I think the widely known term for this experience is 'Vibrating'. You're body begins to buzz, it's hard to explain in words but for those who have felt it know what i'm describing. I believe it to be your chakra's providing the necessary energy to create the 'Light body'. 

2.) Shifting - I've read other peoples experiences and only find this symptom in others descriptions rarely. However, for example. When i'm laying in bed and i'm meditating i'll feel my light body shifting up, down and from side to side. However it feels anchored to my actual body, much like a boat tied to a dock. It just shifts through me and around me like it's waiting to be boarded. I'm still very aware of my physical body because i'm still in it and awake, however i'm just as aware as this 'Other body' floating around lifelessly around me.

3.) Numbness - Your physical body becomes numb, you're still aware of it however it's just there. It feels like dead weight, i think this is the halfway point. Your body is falling asleep however you are still completely conscious. Some people experience Waking Paralysis at this stage. I've always had an issue with waking paralysis, which is a natural occurance that happens when we sleep. I'm a known sleep walker so i feel that my body doesnt produce the proper amounts of the chemical that places us in paralysis so i rarely experience the waking paralysis bit. Which leads into the next symptom which also goes hand in hand with waking paralysis.

4.) Feeling Other Entities Or Another Presence - Some ascociate this experience with the 'Old hag' or the 'Shadow people' syndrome. With most, they experience this stage during waking paralysis, which as i said, is where a lot of people hit a brick wall. They go into instant terror because they realize they're not alone and they cant move! So any hope of a peaceful Astral Projection turns into a nightmare that you're fully conscious for. In my experience though, being that i usually dont encounter the paralysis state, i am very aware of other presences in the room. I feel them around me, sometimes looking at me, sometimes standing directly over me and and sometimes just floating about my room. I never really hear these beings, i can just feel them. In about 95% of my experiences i'll feel their energy, strong spine tingling sources of energy that i know not to be my own. Usually i'll sense one or multiple energy sources from one direction or sometimes many, it just depends on how many beings i feel to be present at the time. I can generally tell the nature of the spiritual energy, whether it's positive, negative or neutral by the way i feel inside once i detect their presence. Sometimes i dont mind and sometimes i scream mentally for them to get out! I beleive this is the a little bit past the halfway mark. We're on our way to being out of body at this stage, our bodies are falling asleep but our mind is wide awake, so we're very aware of other beings around us. However, we're not there yet. Any attempt to sit up or move away from your body will instantly break the trance because of the physical movement and you'll stir awake, at least from my experience. Those who do experience the paralysis stage more often may be able to break free from their bodies at this stage, unfortunetly this isnt the case for me.

5.) Wandering mind - Your mind will begin to wander uncontrollably, you may go several minutes day dreaming or sometimes you may day dream until you lose conscioussness. This is a crucial point in the transition period in my understanding. This is the point where your body teeters on the edge of awake and sleep, it's very difficult to remain completely conscious in this state. I find it's best not to fight this point in the transition, in fact i think it's completely necessary. Let's face it, leaving your body is a normal experience...spiritually, however due to our up bringing, our conscious mind declares it not to be. Whether you grew up in church (as i did) or in an atheist home. Leaving your body has been deemed a figment of your imagination or in some cases evil. Which is why letting your mind wander is crucial, your conscious mind loses grip and allows your subconscious to play a larger role in your thought process which makes it possible for the OOBE to occur. This symptom i believe is the 3/4 mark.

6.) Moving Into Your Light Body - This is my biggest obstacle at the moment. In my experience this is the last step before having a full blown conscious to OOBE. The shifting phenomana that i described in symptom 2 becomes much more defined. In some instances i've felt my light body detach and float way above my bed, however i was still inside my physical body. Here's where i've been running into trouble though. In the Astral form, your light body doesnt breath. It absorbs energy from the dimension it's in to sustain it's form, which i've concluded is it's form of breathing. HOWEVER, you'll begin to feel this while still inside your physical body. This is a hard wall to get over and am still in the process of getting past. You'll feel your chest rise and fall, but you'll feel like you're not getting any air. Which is very hard to come to terms with. In about 99% of my conscious exit attempts this is where i fail. My breathing will increase dramatically trying to compensate for the feeling of not breathing. I'll feel my light body fall back into my physical body and the session will be over in which slowly i'll begin to feel the presence of air in my lungs again. I've been able to get past this terrifying part in the transition a few times however...this one is a doozy of a step to overcome in my opinion. After you get past that, you "follow alice down the rabbit hole" which is let your mind wander freely until the seperation occurs. If you let your conscious mind take part you will not succeed. At least in my experience.

7) Seperation - I dont have much to say about this part of the process. Because i've only truely consciously projected once. However the feeling is hard to put in words. You seperate from your body, almost like detatching from it. I've heard that some people hear a loud ripping sound or a loud thud. I can't attest to this, for my transition was silent. I just floated away, feeling myself lifting off the bed and into the air.

Within The Astral - You're very....VERY aware and honestly it feels very natural. Your senses increase dramatically. You feel weightless and really understand how heavy your body weight truely is. You're so used to carrying your body weight that it feels like nothing, however when you enter your light body, you literally weigh nothing. You feel yourself floating up and away, when you want to move in a certain direction you think which direction you want to move and it happens. In my case, i felt a pressure in my mind kind of pushing me in the direction that i wanted to go. A better way to describe it is like you feel pressure in your head in the direction that you're moving, because you move through this realm with thought. Darkness is brighter, if that makes any sense. It looks like there's always a full moon with 100% illumination. The one time i projected it was at night, so i can only speak on the nights behalf. Another thing, at this point you're a mass of energy, floating conscious. Our physical bodies are how we imagine ourselves in the spirit world because it is what we think we are. Being in spirit is new to us, at least at this point in time. So we assume our light bodies look like copies of us, however they are not. You're literally light. It's our perception of us beleiveing that our spirit is copies of our bodies that make us believe that we do look like that in spirit form. If you look at a part of your body and look at it for more than a few seconds, that body part will begin to melt away or become disfigured. Your mind can only hold this image of your physical body for a very short period, becuase it's not what we truely are. And finally, the last segment of my experience that i can add to, talking to other spirits. First and foremost, if you knew this person in life, they will appear to you in that form, only they'll look much better than they did in life as you knew them. In my experience my friend....i'll call her Ella.... who died in 2005 was in my room, as though she was waiting for me. We didnt 'Talk' as we know talking. Talking itself is a physical action, something that doesnt carry over in the spirit world. You communicate mentally and emotionally and it's instantanious, At least in my experience. We looked at eachother and it's like her message surged into me. She was happy to see me make it through to the other side however she was sad at the way i was living my life but she wanted me to know that she's always there...always. (At the time i was an alcoholic and when i wasnt out drinking i was a hermit, seperating myself away from everyone, quite frankly extremely depressed with small thoughts of suicide. I had just came home from a deployment to Afghanistan, my wife and i were in the middle of a divorce and my life was literally in shambles.) At this point in the experience i felt like i was stretching beyond control because i was too shocked to see her. I shot through a tunnel and BAM i was back in my bed...i looked at my clock and realized only 15 minutes had past since i laid down.

You may wonder why i wrote all this down and posted it, and yes,  it truely is a lot to read. Escpecially since i can't project on a dime yet and have only consciously projected once. I just feel it's important to know for all you projectors or soon to be projectors out there. When i first fell in love with the idea of projection there really wasnt much on it. There were books but, coming from a roman catholic family, those books would have branded me a satanist to them. So i had to dabble within myself, and i did, for a very long time. In the 12 years of trying to consciously project i've hit a ton of walls, climbed over them and found that there was only another wall in my path. I'm still continuing my path to being able to regularly consciously project, because i feel it's very possible. I've come extremely close to being able to leave my body on any given night. There's just another wall i have to climb  ;). I hope that this article helps someone and thank you for flying astral, enjoy your flight!

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I dont like reading long posts, but this post made me very impressed!! I advice everybody to read it word by word!

Posted about 11 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Seriously an awesome post, You have made a post with every bits and pieces that the beginners wanted to know. Simply a fantastic post and whoever reads it, they will surely get their confidence boosted up. Thanks for the post lostlight.

Just a small thought about the buzzing that you have mentioned, in my opinion I feel our consciousness like a radio, the buzzing is like tuning of our radio to the right radio station which is astral plane :)

Happy Travels :)

Posted about 11 years ago (updated almost 11 years ago)

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

I'm stickying this topic now :)

Posted about 11 years ago

Tyler Durden, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Worth reading it........
Seems very informative....
Thanks light for the post...

Posted about 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

I just thought I'd share symptoms and 'walls' I've experienced and overcome. I hope this helps!

These are symptoms that i've noticed, almost like checkpoints in a sense. Some i've overcome, others i have not. However significant or insignicant a symptom my be. I feel it's only right to list them for future purposes.

6.) Moving Into Your Light Body - This is my biggest obstacle at the moment. In my experience this is the last step before having a full blown conscious to OOBE. The shifting phenomana that i described in symptom 2 becomes much more defined. In some instances i've felt my light body detach and float way above my bed, however i was still inside my physical body. Here's where i've been running into trouble though. In the Astral form, your light body doesnt breath. It absorbs energy from the dimension it's in to sustain it's form, which i've concluded is it's form of breathing. HOWEVER, you'll begin to feel this while still inside your physical body. This is a hard wall to get over and am still in the process of getting past. You'll feel your chest rise and fall, but you'll feel like you're not getting any air. Which is very hard to come to terms with. In about 99% of my conscious exit attempts this is where i fail. My breathing will increase dramatically trying to compensate for the feeling of not breathing. I'll feel my light body fall back into my physical body and the session will be over in which slowly i'll begin to feel the presence of air in my lungs again. I've been able to get past this terrifying part in the transition a few times however...this one is a doozy of a step to overcome in my opinion. After you get past that, you "follow alice down the rabbit hole" which is let your mind wander freely until the seperation occurs. If you let your conscious mind take part you will not succeed. At least in my experience.

This is what i have been experiencing lately, the sensation i thought was that i was being pulled out of body, would gasp, & wake up. Or feel pulled out of body, & wake up...The other symptom is like you described, of "shifting", & i'd wake up. So thanks for the insights!

Posted almost 11 years ago

Jkish, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I just thought I'd share symptoms and 'walls' I've experienced and overcome. I hope this helps!

6.) Moving Into Your Light Body - This is my biggest obstacle at the moment. In my experience this is the last step before having a full blown conscious to OOBE. The shifting phenomana that i described in symptom 2 becomes much more defined. In some instances i've felt my light body detach and float way above my bed, however i was still inside my physical body. Here's where i've been running into trouble though. In the Astral form, your light body doesnt breath. It absorbs energy from the dimension it's in to sustain it's form, which i've concluded is it's form of breathing. HOWEVER, you'll begin to feel this while still inside your physical body. This is a hard wall to get over and am still in the process of getting past. You'll feel your chest rise and fall, but you'll feel like you're not getting any air. Which is very hard to come to terms with. In about 99% of my conscious exit attempts this is where i fail. My breathing will increase dramatically trying to compensate for the feeling of not breathing. I'll feel my light body fall back into my physical body and the session will be over in which slowly i'll begin to feel the presence of air in my lungs again. I've been able to get past this terrifying part in the transition a few times however...this one is a doozy of a step to overcome in my opinion. After you get past that, you "follow alice down the rabbit hole" which is let your mind wander freely until the seperation occurs. If you let your conscious mind take part you will not succeed. At least in my experience.

I can SO relate to this. Many times I have felt my project-able body being pulled from above. SO close to exit, but I feel like if I don't take a huge breath, I'll pass out. I GET THIS!

Have you found a solution yet? I do know that some people theorize about increasing CO2 levels in the blood to induce OOBE.

Posted almost 11 years ago

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