Are You an Earth Empath?

Posted about 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae

Being an earth empath or sensitive

Tons of people suffer anxiety and are diagnosed with similar anxiety/panic disorders,  but what you probably haven't ever thought of is that some of the symptoms correlate directly with being an earth empath or earth sensitive. Earth sensitivity is pure speculation, it's a pseudoscience and has never had any real scientific evidence to confirm its existence. That doesn't mean there aren't people who truly believe in it and have even found ways of coping with it. The only way of deciding for yourself if your anxiety/problems are earth sensitive related is to compile a health journal and time your symptoms to earthquakes, storms, solar storms or other earth related natural events & global events.

Symptoms of being an earth sensitive:
Most symptoms will occur an hour to a whole day before the actual event occurs, and will recede after it has concluded.

  1. A feeling of anxiety that passes as the event concludes
  2. Waves of nausea
  3. Eye migraines (not worst ever migraines, if this happens you should seek a medical professional asap)
  4. Sensations of vertigo, that come randomly and disappear for months or years at a time
  5. Inner body vibrations, mistaken for muscle spasms.
  6. Sudden draining of energy.
  7. Emotional problems, feelings of incoming/impending doom. Feeling fragile.
  8. Mental confusion, haziness, or head feeling full with the inability to think clearly.
  9. Dreaming or nightmares related to natural events like tornadoes, earthquakes, or floods.
  10. Pressure in ears.
  11. Mild physical pain in any part of your body.
  12. Increase in static electricity that you produce. Giving shocks to people, or receiving shocks yourself.
  13. General shakiness.

So as you can see there is a HUGE range of symptoms that anyone could feel. It all depends on your mind, body, and spirituality. What does your mind and body react to? continued

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MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Being an earth empath or sensitive

Tons of people suffer anxiety and are diagnosed with similar anxiety/panic disorders,  but what you probably haven't ever thought of is that some of the symptoms correlate directly with being an earth empath or earth sensitive. Earth sensitivity is  pure speculation, it's a pseudoscience and has never had any real scientific evidence to confirm its existence.  That doesn't mean there aren't people who truly believe in it and have even found ways of coping with it.  The only way of deciding for yourself if your anxiety/problems are earth sensitive related is to compile a health journal and time your symptoms to earthquakes, storms, solar storms or other earth related natural events & global events.

Symptoms of being an earth sensitive:
Most symptoms will occur an hour to a whole day before the actual event occurs, and will recede after it has concluded.

  1. A feeling of anxiety that passes as the event concludes
  2. Waves of nausea
  3. Eye migraines (not worst ever migraines, if this happens you should seek a medical professional asap)
  4. Sensations of vertigo, that come randomly and disappear for months or years at a time
  5. Inner body vibrations, mistaken for muscle spasms.
  6. Sudden draining of energy.
  7. Emotional problems, feelings of incoming/impending doom. Feeling fragile.
  8. Mental confusion, haziness, or head feeling full with the inability to think clearly.
  9. Dreaming or nightmares related to natural events like tornadoes, earthquakes, or floods.
  10. Pressure in ears.
  11. Mild physical pain in any part of your body.
  12. Increase in static electricity that you produce. Giving shocks to people, or receiving shocks yourself.
  13. General shakiness.

So as you can see there is a HUGE range of symptoms that anyone could feel. It all depends on your mind, body, and spirituality. What does your mind and body react to? continued

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

What we can do about it
Keep in mind that some of these suggestions are going to seem a bit batty to some, but for some of us, they just make perfect sense.

  1. Change your diet; Being healthy is the best gift we can give ourselves. Putting junk in our bodies, especially for earth sensitives can unbalance us and turn a gift into a curse.  We want to enhance the positive and decrease the negative, that should be our motto in all aspects of our lives. Some people find that a vegetarian diet is the first step to enhancing our supernatural abilities.

  2. Sit by a tree: Be honest, it feels good to surround yourself with nature.  We have put ourselves in boxes and tend to be surrounded by machines most of the day. The trees must feel awfully lonely these days. We should pay them a visit. Or perhaps you should take some time out to work on a garden.

  3. Meditate: A new study has shown that meditation can have positive effects on the brain even after you've stopped meditating.

In conclusion, remember that depression, anxiety, and pain are chemical processes.  We live in a world engulfed by physical and chemical processes and  it's logical to think that we might be affected by these changes.  Spiritually, we are the formation of earth and all her particles. When mother earth changes, so do we, and while others might not see it or agree, there are others that claim to feel the very shift on her axis.

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi MusicSoulFae,
I really like this article and really informative. From a week or two, I'm having a dream where the area where I am staying gets flooded. I got the answer now ;)
Thank you :)


Posted about 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Another "trait" of earth sensitives {empaths} are a panicky feeling with no apparent cause...or a growing anxiety...I've noticed these just before a major world event, be it natural or man-made.  Because we are more on line or connected to each other this way, & less engaged in person, we are more in tune on a different level with others...more connected astrally to the information highway. Hence we are sensing things going on around the world, on the mental plane {worldwide web}.

So many that don't think they are astral projecting actually ARE on a regular basis {how else would we know whom we were connecting with on line?} and many are lucid, & remote viewing without realizing it. Many earth sensitives will often feel drawn to or pulled towards world events.

Another way to tell how "sensitive" you are is to ask yourself if you are conscious of ants / bugs on your path, & step past them...or sense {anticipate} a car's path, & let them go ahead of you, before they even realize? Its like you sense the vibrations, & change course, just like animals do? So events on earth resonate outward, one hears the cries of others, & are naturally drawn there {whether conscious of it or not}.

The first time I really noticed this link, or that I had experienced it before, was the Japan event, 2011. And from that point on, I could "sense?" the world connect? the consciousness of the people on the planet shifted. Prior to this, all day long I was jumpy, agitated, almost panicky. Then it left until I was wide awake at night. I just started crying, & couldn't figure out why. So turning on TV, I caught the news on the tsunami. And an odd sense of 'relief', like I finally understood what I had been sensing all day!

Earth Empaths sense the world & everything happening within & on her, just like the baby senses the outside world of their mother from deep within her womb!

There are many that are tuned into what's occuring in Ukraine, but more so with the missing plane. This i find interesting, as "of all the world events, why is this one catching global, individual interest?" from all walks of life? Whether scientist or metaphysics. All are communicating about this, many disbelievers are seeking alternative help to seek the plane. Something important is behind this "event", for the collective conscious evolution? of man!

Posted about 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

The Collective Evolution Trilogy {Movies}
Created by a group of young people {Indigo Kids, perhaps?}

**_The first part {2011} of The Collective Evolution is aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. The documentary addresses this need for change through five individual yet interrelated structures society has come to rely upon - finance, education, religion, entertainment/media, and health/food. Each of these structures is fully broken down to show viewers how they have come into place, and why their continued existence can no longer be supported.

The second part {2011} is focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet.

The third part {2013} is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world._**


PART 1 - The Collective Evolution

PART 2 - The Human Experience

PART 3 - The Shift -

Posted about 11 years ago (updated about 11 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

...Because we are more on line or connected to each other this way, & less engaged in person, we are more in tune on a different level with others...more connected astrally to the information highway. Hence we are sensing things going on around the world, on the mental plane {worldwide web}... So events on earth resonate outward, one hears the cries of others, & are naturally drawn there {whether conscious of it or not}. The first time I really noticed this link, or that I had experienced it before, was the Japan event, 2011. And from that point on, I could "sense?" the world connect? the consciousness of the people on the planet shifted. ...

There are many that are tuned into what's occuring in Ukraine, but more so with the missing plane. This i find interesting, as "of all the world events, why is this one catching global, individual interest?" from all walks of life? Whether scientist or metaphysics. All are communicating about this, many disbelievers are seeking alternative help to seek the plane. Something important is behind this "event", for the collective conscious evolution? of man!

To understand what I mean by the above quote, see Part 3 - the shift...At about 6 mins in, the creators of documentary speak about their awakening, & when they noticed the collective consciousness of man "shift". As I was going to post above, but the reason i didn't was because we had not shifted to a global consciousness until much later {2011}. The 2001 events, connects us on a National level, what happened affected us & what we needed to do to protect OUR SELVES....The 2011 events, shifted from SELF to OTHER. That the fear / worry of how it will affect us was way less than how we were now concerned for the lives of others, & increased thereon in. Our attentions "shifted" to our global family then... :) Like now, we are less concerned about the plane being hijacked but fully focused on getting the passengers back. PART 3 - The Shift -

Posted about 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

A good example of how this works..."Earth Empathy", see @1hr:04mins, in this video: as other creatures, plants, & rocks "feel", Earth empaths are those that have gained or never lost this intimate connection to the land we live upon. The example also shows the link between all life, that a plant reacts to {scientifically proven} the outcome of some shrimp...Hence Earth Empaths FEEL what the plants feel, feel what animals feel, feel the changes occurring on the earth, & around it... 

Another example of Earth Empaths is -

Some believe that this interconnectedness, which on Earth is merely a spiritual concept, exists in a physical and tangible way on Pandora, in the form of a strange, collective psionic consciousness embedded in the planet, drawn from all Pandoran life. It is, in a way, a little like a huge biological internet; the trees being computer servers that store information. The Na'vi can upload or download memories from it using their queues and it can even be used for mind transfers in certain cases. The Tree of Souls grants the Na'vi access to the psychic essences of their deceased, which is how the Na'vi communicate with their ancestors. The roots of the trees are capable of extending above the ground and connecting to the nervous system of any living thing, even humans.  Eywa is the guiding force and deity of Pandora and the Na'vi. The Na'vi believe that Eywa acts to keep the ecosystem of Pandora in perfect equilibrium. It is sometimes theorized by human scientists that all living things on Pandora connect to Eywa through a system of neuro-conductive antennae;

Posted about 11 years ago

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

This guy explains the "signals" one picks up on the planet {@2:10}, in the ether, astral realm, and how those tuned into that signal can hear the radio broadcast, & are often drawn consciously or not, to this area. This video is about the missing plane, but so inter-linked with other posts here, but this topic seemed the best to place it, to help others recognize what they are sensing / hearing, & why...His example ties in with the conscious evolution posts too! we are awakening, or hearing AND answering the calls of our fellow men or the planet itself....

What he says @4:00 mins ties in with possibly a part of the Hopi prophecy...of a air ship falling from the sky....or remote viewer movie about space plane being pushed down from above....


See also these posts -

Posted about 11 years ago

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